Chapter 3: Spanish Words.

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I hide my face from people, glancing at my shoes or hands as I go. When I reach my first class, I sit where I've sit before all these times I've been here: In the middle, at the window side. I have no partner. Not because they don't like me (Which most of girls don't) but because people have friends already to sit with and share lunch. I missed my chance to make friends a long time a go. Even when sometimes I wish I had, I know I made the right choice, 'cause the last thing I want is Elizabeth to appear with her bad attitude and heavy makeup.

My feet don't touch the floor 'cause I'm too short, so I swing them back and forth, distracted. I open my Spanish book when the teacher comes in, but I'm the only one who does that. The teacher smiles at me when she comes in, because I'm the only one who pays attention in her class, and she appreciates it.

I read the page she tells us to when the class is already settled. And then, heavy steps and a door that opens up  suddenly. When I glance up, I see the most beautiful boy I have ever seen.

"I'm sorry" He says, going to the teacher. After some exchange of words, she points at me. Or well, at the empty chair next to me.

Dios mío.

The readhead boy glances at me and his eyes stick with mine. He walks slowly towards me and even when he sits, he's still staring. "Hi" He says" I'm Nathan".

My mouth feels dry. "Hi. I'm Sang"

And... I blow it. I look away and stare at the paragraph in Spanish with exactly twenty words in it that I don't know. I circle them and draw a question mark under the text.

"It's kind of easy" I hear him say. I turn to him just when he leans into my side to check the textbook. So we get too close. Too close. I feel myself blushing "Most of the words you circled are conjugations of the verb Be. Ser. Have you learned it? Yo soy, tú eres, él es, nosotros somos..."

I can only stare. "Right. Yes. I... forgot. So you know Spanish?"


"In your own school? You're new, right?"

He smiles.

"I am, but I didn't learn it by school. I never even studied it"

"I'm confused. How can you learn a lenguage if you don't study it?"

He laughs at my confusion.

"Lots of TV, songs and crazy Novelas. Books, eventually. Besides, I hung out with people who spoke it and then I woke up one day and I... knew"

"Then you must be really smart"

"Not really"

And our conversation died in that moment. I'm surprised with myself I kept a conversation this long. With a boy. A boy. What am I thinking? Mother used to say boys wanted just one thing out of girls and I had to stay away. She was a terrible person, but I have to trust in her in that one, because, what do I know about boys and relatioships?

I can't believe I even thought about a relationship. What is happening to me?

I write notes in my notebook with shaky hands, nodding towards Nathan so he knows I have got it.

"Need help with something else?"

I shake my head, not looking at him.

"Not really, thank you"

Actually, the doubt of the difference between Vez y ves have been bothering me since I read it last night, but now I can't stand looking up.

Talking with boys. What was I thinking?

Nathan's point of view.

In my sit next to her, I watch her, still stunned and surprised. Is this her? Is this shy and shaky girl her? The girl with black leather and red lipsitck?


I watch her struggle with the text and she moves her nose funny with irritation. It's funny to watch her struggle with something it's so easy for me, like my skin or breathing. I want to help her with the rest of the text, to lean in and explain it to her so she can look at me with those green eyes and I can see the criminal inside. I want to see I was wrong and these is all a cover for her dark soul. That she's lying, that she's a cheater. But there's something about the way she moves, about the innocence in her eyes, about her shy words... It can't be.

Sang. She said her name was Sang.

I glance at the teacher, but seeing she's busy with someone else, I send a text under the desk.

Nathan: I found her.

Silas: Already? Man, that was fast.

Kota: What's her name?

Nathan: Sang.

Hot Guy: Like singing a song? I sang a song?

Who the fuck is Hot Guy?

North: Who the fuck are you? I'm the only hot guy here.

Hot Guy: Oy, motherfucker!

Gabriel. Of course.

Mr. Blackbourne: I think it's not time for this, gentleman. Mr. Griffin, do you know her last name?

Nathan: No, sorry.

Luke: Is she hot like in the pictures?

Dr. Green: Answer! :D

Nathan: Yes. But there is this thing...

Mr. Blackbourne: What is the matter?

Nathan: She is not like in those pictures.

Luke: Gotta be a cover or something. If she knew she was wanted, she would be smart enough to change a little.

Nathan: Yeah.

I don't insist on it. I will wait until they get to see it to see what I mean. Because I can feel it. There is something about her that's off.

I know.

And I'll be damned if I let this go, just like that.

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