Lay ~ Hide & Seek

Start from the beginning

"Pyeong Hwa-"

"Yes, he created us. We are his loyal creations, the seals of the gate. Break the seal, you get what you want. If not, then... there's nothing left for you all. This will all be useless, and you return to Pyeong Hwa. If you're really lucky, you make it back alive to where you're from."

"Why is this so complicated?" I asked, almost facepalming.

"This is why this mission is the hardest for any person with powers. You need all the right amounts, tactics, and skills to find the Air of Gold. And because it's the hardest thing to find in this entire universe, it's heavily guarded; only the most skilled, intelligent, and strongest people can succeed this mission. You need something inside you to keep you going."

"And that thing inside me is...?" I asked.

"You'll need to know the answer to that soon. You'll need it. Now go inside!" the gray seal says as it gave me a push towards the door.

As I entered, it felt like I was inside one of those caves. You could hear the echoes of any noise, the drip-drop noise of the water droplets, and my own footsteps. The cave I was in {or I assumed I was in} was as black as my soul. Just kidding, it was as black as a sharpie marker.

"Wh-" I said as I first entered. "I can't see anything."

"Oh I'll get the lights. You might wanna brace yourself for what's in here." It informed as I covered my eyes with my hands.

Through my hands, I saw a light shine, probably from the seal's shell. Very useful.

"Why thank you. Not many people I've seen said that about my shell." The seal replied as I turned to its direction.

"You can read minds?" I asked as it barked for an answer. "I take that as a yes then." I slowly open my eyes, and see trails of golden coins. "Are those real?" I asked, then used my water powers to see if the coins were actually coins.

They weren't. Instead, the pile of coins were replaced by an old bone. I gulped and a chill ran through my spine and back.

"U-Umm why is that here?!" I asked, more scared than I hoped my tone would be.

"That's why I said brace yourself. This part of the cave is the cave of fears. It's a test of courage, and you can either ignore the truth and see the mirage, or see the truth that's in front of you. Be very careful." The seal stated as I nodded.

"Can that bone be a pile of gold coins again?" I asked as the seal nodded. Once again, the dirty bone was gleaming with golden coins again.

I saw a few more piles of gold coins as the seal and I walked along the way silently. "I'm curious about this whole thing. What's your name?" I looked at the seal, which looked shocked.

"Not many people have ever asked or known. You're the first to ask. Oh. It's Jinsil." The seal replied.

"Truth? That's an interesting name. So everything you do is..."

"Show the traveler the truth. And the truth... it hits you very hard sometimes. So that is why you need to face your fears to face the truth. Because the truth could be even more scary than your fears."

"I see. So Jinsil, are the two seals your siblings or... children?"

"They're my brothers. Unmyeong and Geumgi. Our names are literally about the caves here. Ironic, huh?" Jinsil asked.

*Unmyeong = Fate & Geumgi = Gold-air [ I searched this up and took parts of both words in Korean together ]

"But how long have you guys stayed here?" I asked.

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