Chapter 23 Outcast

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Not long after the tournament took place everyone in high positions in the legion got the news that the leader Tavor had been assassinated. Each part of the legion was supposed to send three representatives, the leader of the division and two others to discuss negotiations about a replacement leader at the conclave headquarters at the main base tower.

"I've been here longest, how can you not take me with you?"

Satsujin was angry that I wasn't taking him along with me to the meeting. While it was true he had been a member of the legion longest and could likely give me helpful information I had a plan. My plan was to leave satsujin in charge here while I was gone.

Ryan stepped up, "then you should take me. I'm good back up".
"No Ryan. You need to stay here as well"
Kaze spoke up, "I'm coming with you right?"
"Yes your coming with me. I'll need my bodyguard"

"You and Kaze. That only makes two. Who else are you taking? And what strategy could possibly make sense to leave me and Ryan here?", satsujin asked.

"I think it's time I told you guys something"
I explained that Tavor had hand picked me to replace him and that's the entire reason I had come the guild. I also explained that Tavor was sure someone in the legion had marked him to die.

Satsujin only seemed more confused, "ok, if that's true why not take me or Ryan with you incase that person decides to attack at the tower"

"Because you guys might be attacked while I'm gone. Ryan you work defenses best you need to stay, and satsujin your second in command the guild will need a leader if the guild is attacked so I can't have both of us gone if they do attack at the tower. Your right me and Kaze are only two. That's why I'm bringing Ken with me"

"Are you insane? Do you want a dagger in the back? You pick the guy who hates us!", Kaze blurted out.

"Assuming he is a traitor or partners with the one who killed Tavor he wouldn't be here to disable the defenses if we were attacked. Secondly if he is innocent he is still a good fighter. But most of all there is a high chance nothing will happen, and we won't be attacked in which case everything is ok and we'll come back with no problems."

Kaze sighed and patted me on the back, "I don't follow your logic at all, but I'll follow your lead".

"Thanks Kaze. We should get going. Bye guys."

We found Ken and walked to the tower where I had earlier met Tavor. Ken didn't seem to mind going with us though he kept a snide attitude.

The travel to the tower was uneventful until we got there. Ken suddenly stopped us before we got close and started to speak.
"I know a lot of the people here, I'll send messages about the people you meet so that no one says anything awkward or does something to offend anyone"

I nodded and said, "ok thanks."

On the way inside it seemed that there was about eighteen people there. None of the people were people up I knew but luckily ken's messages stopped me from doing anything stupid.
Ken actually seemed to know most of the people there. A few people walked up to me to start conversations, asking things like which guild I belonged to and other things like that. I kind of thought it pointless but I didn't want to be rude.

Soon someone called everyone to a giant table with seats around it. The leaders and higher up people got seats while their two accompaniments stood behind them.
A guy at the far end of the table started to speak, he had brown wavy hair and wore silver heavy plate armor. The name above his head was Cyrus.

He is the high chancellor of the conclave. He is in charge of the conclave and of the meetings and gatherings. Think of him as head guard and the peace keeper. His power is second only to the king.- Ken

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