Chapter 22 legendary

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(Hey peeps, just wanted to say that your suggestions were awesome. The hardest part of this chapter was picking one. Special shout out to @_system_ and @Abrose for making my two favorites. After days of not being able to decided on one I fused them into one name. So thank you peeps)

A few months later....

The guild had been going great. We were steadily growing in numbers and the gold being bought in was going toward upgrades and ideas ,for example, with Kaze, satsujin, and some ingenuity from Ryan we were able to tap into the energy of the orb and use it to make barriers around the guild or even giant blast when or if we ever need it. And together we decided together to name the guild Knights of the Dread orb.
Ryan was speaking to me about ideas to build catapults and ballistas to attack approaching armies from a distance before they could even get to our walls when satsujin entered.

"A messenger brought this to the gates. It has your name on it.", satsujin said.

"What is it?"

"I don't know, I didn't open it"

"If this is like a bomb or something I'm going to be very upset at you for bringing this to me"

It was a very small white box with a black ribbon type thing tied into a knot holding the top of the box on, and my name was written on the top in black ink. I gently pulled the ribbon making the knot come undone and removed the top of of the box. Inside the box was a small card addressed to me covered in tiny writing.

Kane, it has come to our attention that you have acquired The dream blade. The dream blade is a legendary weapon. Having legendary equipment grants you the ability to enter the legendary tournament. The second annual tournament is going to be held in a few days at the location marked on the back of this card, and card is also the ticket that allows you to enter the tournament. This year we have a larger amount of prizes to add to the rewards along side the legendary title. We look forward to seeing you in action.

At that the card ended
"Legendary tournament? That sounds interesting. Satsujin could you manage things here while I go to this?"

Satsujin replied with, "I suppose I could though I kind of wanted to go myself."

"You use legendary weapons?''

"Actually armor. My armlets are legendary. They allow me to use all the skills of anyone I touch and also drains health, mana, and stamina on touch."

"That's really cool, well maybe we could leave Ryan or Kaze in charge?"

Satsujin laughed a bit and said, "no I'll stay. But if you win I insist on a fight when you get back"

"I'll agree to that"

New message

Master Trian sent me a new message saying

Come see me soon as you can.

"Well guys I need to go do some stuff. See you later", I said just before I left and traveled to the city and to master Trian's shop. He was waiting for me and on his desk I saw a small box similar to the one I had gotten.
He stood up and said, "I'm assuming you've gotten an invitation to the legendary tournament"

"Yes I did"

"We're you planning on entering?"

"Yes I was"

"The I should train you better with the dream blade. There are techniques and strategies you should know."

"Ok, I'm ready"

The days leading up to the tournament master Trian taught me things I didn't know how to do before like how to deflect projectiles.

The day of the tournament I walked to the location. It was in a clearing near the dark woods in a large ruin that resembled the arena. Inside there were torches lighting the room with a soft orange glow. A person came and asked for my card so I gave it him. There weren't very many people there from what I could tell though I immediately recognized Kaze. I walked over to him and he noticed me and looked surprised.

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