chapter 34 Necropolis

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Later on in the day, I called a meeting with Ken and Ryan. I told them what happened with the cloaked figure and about how we needed the four pieces and how he gave me one.

Ryan scratched his head, "ok then, where are the other three?"

"I don't know, but he said we should start our look at a place called Necropolis."

Ken's eyes suddenly widened and he spoke up, "Nercropolis is impenetrable. No one has been able to get in. You might as well have just ignored that guy."

"So you've been there before?"

"One time, it's built like a fortress, and no one has ever found a way in, not me, not anyone."

Ryan joined in, "we have to try. Maybe the cloaked guy gave you something that could open the door, and you just don't know it."

"I hope you are right Ryan."

Ken sighed, "so you are really going. I guess I'll summon up our army."

"No, I won't take an army. Just me."

"Let me come to, I'll be your shield.", Ryan added in.

"Ok, I guess it's me and you Ryan. Unless, you want to come with us Ken?"

"I think I'll stay behind.."
After Ryan grabbed some things he wanted to bring with us we made our way to the location on the map.

"So, the cloaked guy gave you some new gauntlets?"


"They are legendary right? So are your golden armlets, and your dream blade. That means you have like three different legendary weapons. I just recently got this shield on my back. It is a legendary also. It can block any thing, no matter how powerful or the type of attack."

"That is really cool"

"Yeah, but I don't have any good offensive weapons to balance out with. Just my sword."

"What happened to your spear? And the weapons you used against me?"

Ryan sighed, "They were broken. I 've been so busy with guild stuff that I haven't been able to gather the materials I need to craft a good offensive weapon. So I'm just sticking with this"

Soon we arrived at our destination.
"So that is Nercroplis.."

It was a huge stone door with carvings all over it and a huge wall that was so tall you couldn't see where it stopped, and so long that you couldn't see a corner or anything.

Ryan looked at the door carefully, "well this is obviously the door, but how do we open it?"

He then pushed it, but his feet slid backwards as the door didn't budge at all.

"Ok, maybe it's a pull to open door?", he wedged his sword in between them and pulled, in an attempt to sort of crowbar it open, but his sword snapped and the door didn't move.

"Damn... I didn't bring another sword with me.."

I kind of ignored him as i examined the door myself. I noticed a small sort of hole in it. It was shapped exactly like the piece of the rune that the cloaked figure gave me. I placed it into the door and it suddenly started to glow green as it opened. I walked through the huge door and Ryan followed me.

It was a huge grave yard with tombstones everywhere and three paths we could take.

One went straight ahead and down a set of stairs into an underground crypt. The second went out to our right and into a thick set of graves, and the third was the same only it went to our left.

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