Chapter 19

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"I accept"

"I'm glad to hear it. So I can't make you king right now, but like I said before I'll put you in charge of one of the military divisions and when or if something happens to me you'll be in position to take over. I'll also make it so that if or when that happens there are clear instructions that you are to take over"

"Ok, what about Kaze? Can he come with me?"

"Well, I'm sure we can find place for him. Maybe he could be your body guard? If not I'm sure the assassin division would be happy to have him. Anyways, I'll tell the guild you'll be there tomorrow."

"I can't tomorrow, I'm busy. The day after tomorrow I'll be there"

"Well then I'll them that instead"

I said goodbye to Tavor and went back to the first floor where Kaze was waiting.
I explained what Tavor had said including the part about him possibly joining the assassin division or joining me.

"Hmm.. Well it would be cool to be an assassin. But then so would being a bodyguard. Hmm.. I think I'll go with being a bodyguard. I'm not very good at being sneaky anyways."

"Awesome, it wouldn't be the same without you"

"Right, so when do we start?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"Great, I'll see you then."

After saying goodbye to Kaze I traveled back to the city. It had been a long day and I was really tired so I got a room at the inn. The rooms at the inn here were much larger and more comfortable than the room back at the village. As soon as I fell onto the bed I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up early in the morning and walked to master Trian's shop for the training he said he had for me. To my surprise the empty area usually used for training had a table in it that was covered in food. Master Trian approached and said, "congratulations, you've finished the first part of your training. As a reward I've ordered small bits the finest foods that can be obtained here. I hope you enjoy."

'This is unusual....'

I did as he said and sat at the table and began to eat the food. There was a small portion of many different things and it wouldn't take long to consume it all. Master Trian sat across from me and explained as I was about midway through eating.

"The first part of your training was basic combat. You've passed it without much difficulty. The next sections include things like extreme physical training, and advance combat testing. But not all in this game is about physicality. The next portion of your training is mental and about increasing your intelligence to defend against indirect attacks. Your just likely to be killed by a trap or something indirect as you are in combat."

By this time I was mostly done having just finished some slightly bitter tasting bread, which I found unusual and hard to swallow, and only having a piece of steak left.

"So I thought we'd start off with something simple"

I finished the steak and started listening.

"And by simple I mean being able to tell which food you had just ingested was poisoned"

My eyes widened slightly as my health bar started to drain.
"You poisoned me?!"

He chuckled and said, "don't worry i won't let it kill you. I have the antidote. This is a test. I have the antidote here in a tiny vial hidden among other vials. The antidote is labeled with the piece of food that was poisoned so if you can figure out what was poisoned you can find the antidote." He set a large collection of vials in front of me, each labeled with a food.

'What was it?'

"Oh and I should mention that if you pick the wrong vial the poison will accelerate and hurt you faster"

I looked among the vials and quickly looked at each of the vials unsure which to pick before I realized.

'The bread! It was the bread!'

I quickly grabbed the vial labeled bread and drank the liquid inside. My health stopped draining.

"Excellent job. Your intelligence level must be high to have figured that out. Perhaps this won't take all day."

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