Justin- do you know how much I missed doing that

Me- same

Justin- please katie be mine again…. I miss you so much that’s its killing me

Me- justin….

Justin- please katie i love you

Me- justin I love you too…. But I don’t know

Justin- please I just need you back in my life katie

Me- you want me back

Justin- more than anything

Me- then prove it

Justin- what?

Me- prove to me you want me back. You have the whole week and I will let you know by Saturday before I leave. (just to let you know its Sunday)

Justin- ok but can I ask something

Me- sure

Justin- can I still kiss you……. Well when we are alone please I don’t think I can go a week being with you without kissing you

Me- I don’t know….

He cut me off my kissing me. He makes it hard to say no. He pulled away and stared at me.

Me- once a day………. At night only. No morning kisses or anything. We have to act like friends and you have to prove to me you want me back into your life

Justin- (sighs) fine at least its better then no kisses at all.

I just smiled kissed him on the cheek and went down stairs. When I got down there I saw everyone in the living room. I walked in and sat on the couch. They all looked at me with smiles on their faces.

Me- what?

Kayla- are you and justin back together yet (smiles)

Me- no guys ok im giving him until Saturday.

All their faces dropped then justin came in and sat next to me.

Justin- what do you guys wanna do. Play a game? Pool?

Everyone- POOL!

I laughed and so did justin. He looked at me.

Me- pool it is

We went upstairs to change. I found one of my cutest swim suits.


I came down stairs and every one was waiting. They all looked at me and justins mouth dropped. I just laughed. He couldn’t stop staring though.

Me- heyy bieber…. Take a picture it last longer

Everyone laughed and went outside. I saw justin didn’t move but his head was down and his face was red. Aww he was blushing. I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. He looked up at me.

Me- I said no kissing….. I didn’t say I COULD kiss you on the cheek

I started to walk away and when I got to the door I turned around and faced him.

Me- oh yeah….. you still look cute when you blush

He blushed even more and I just giggled. I walked out in amazement. The back yard was amazing. Even with the pool.


I looked at london and kayla and they were looking at it in amazement as well. This is unbelievable. Justin came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. GOD I missed his touch. It still brings shivers up my spine.

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