About the Author/Acknowledgements

Start from the beginning

I am so off-topic here... Anyway, um... So. Yeah. Flutter was my first "OC" I wrote anything about. HoD was definitely my first honest-to-goodness foray into the land of fanfiction, and I've probably told the story of what inspired it so many times you guys hate it by now, but here goes, one more time.

In early Oct. 2013, I had a dream that seemed sweet at first but actually turned out to be a nightmare. I was already obsessed with Waddle Dees at the time and had been since about March, although I didn't really care about the rest of the Kirby series yet. In the dream, a new Kirby game came out featuring a girl Waddle Dee with a pink cape and sword as one of the four playable protagonists. In the story, they were fighting a lightning monster. Waddle Girl's distinguishing power was her ability to fully heal all three of the other characters with a pink light, which took away half of however much health she had remaining in her status bar. She could also give the others extra lives by doing this when her health was full, but doing that consequently docked her down to half-health and took away some her moves with the Copy Abilities (which she could use in addition to her sword, and in the dream the Abilities actually combined with the sword to make it have special powers like fire, water, etc., but I completely cut that out to minimize her overpowered-ness in the books). 

Anyway, during the boss battle, in one of the cutscenes, Meta Knight died. Like actually died. He was deaded, completely and totally deaded. Didn't have a pulse or nothin'. (Magolor quotes ftw. XD)  Adios, amigo. While my brother threw a Wiimote at the TV in the dream because now he was stuck not playing, the dream changed so I wasn't playing anymore, but was actually in the game world, watching. Waddle Girl stopped fighting (she was nameless in the dream; her status bar read 'Waddle Dee (Girl)') and ran over to Meta Knight, said something (she could talk, but I couldn't ever hear what she was actually saying whenever she spoke), and gave him a large amount of light, which got rid of almost all her health. With what she had left, she attacked the monster and revealed his weak spot for Kirby to go all Ultra Sword on, and then died with the happy death jingle. Sadly, she didn't regen, and the other three player characters didn't seem to notice or care.

I woke up bawling. For whatever reason, I was really attached to that Waddle Dee my subconscious had randomly come up with, and I could not for the life of me figure out why. Since then, I've decided that maybe I had that dream for a reason and that it was slightly more than a dream, since without it, HoD never would have been written. Idk though. It was probably just a random dream. XD

The girl Waddle Dee quickly took over my bored (awful and hideous) algebra doodles and a lot of my random thought. I eventually gave her the name Sakura and a flower ribbon, simply because I named like all my original characters Sakura at that point since it was/is my favorite Japanese word and I love the flower. For awhile she was Sakura Waddle Dee, and then Sakura Dee, and then usually just Sakura. I toyed around with the idea of her being MK's girlfriend a lot there at the beginning, but eventually opted for pairing her with Sailor Dee until I started writing the series and figured out I liked her and MK together more and that there was a way to make it believable/likable.

My mom suggested I draw a comic with a happier ending for the Waddle, since I was so upset she died, so I tried, but I couldn't draw well and quickly gave up in mid-Oct. The idea was still in my head pretty much constantly, so I typed up the first chapter of the story and put it on Wattpad about then, and then dropped it until winter break started and I was really sad and needed a distraction from life, as you all know, so I started it up again. The rest is history. XD

2: How old were you when you started writing?

I wrote my first short story (about twins named Liz and Lizzie and their twin puppies Lisa and Li-something) for a PBS Kids writing contest when I was five. The story was disqualified because the judges didn't believe a five-year-old had written it and accused us of entering it in the wrong age range. Anyhow, I've been penning book ideas and little short stories pretty much constantly ever since then. Unfortunately, most of my ideas never actually end up on paper or anything, and so I usually eventually forget them.

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