Ramblin' Rose, Ramble On; Some Long Stories Finally Get Told

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Rose's POV:

With an exhausted sigh, I flop down onto a sofa in the castle library and stare up at the ceiling. What is it with everyone turning against me suddenly? The first few years of my reign, everyone loved me and did what I asked without being all obstinate about it. What's changed, and why so suddenly?

Grunting, I pull my knees up to my chest and hide my face in my dress' skirt. Not that long ago, I only ever wore dresses for formal events and usually did my everyday royal duties in jeans and a nice blouse. But lately... I dunno, but I guess I feel like maybe if I look more like a typical princess, people'll be more likely to do what I tell them to do. Maybe it's my youth and levity that have caused everyone to refuse to listen lately.

Or maybe they're just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn, something bitter hisses in the back of my mind. Just like the Dreamlanders seem to be being terrors just for the sake of being terrors.

Rolling my eyes at the thought of those six, I shake my head and groan. They're worse than Deedee, may his little shin-kicking soul rest in peace. Maybe everyone strongly connected to Dreamland suffers from the 'Waddle Dee Complex:' they're sweet, humble, and hard-working right up until life gets easy for them, and then they turn into terrible tyrannical terrors. I mean, look at the evidence: They started out as some of the best heroes you could meet, and now? Well, now they seem to have turned into point-killing, lazy, disobedient, snarky, kidnapping monsters. I just hope we can find Zelda, Peach, and Dedede before it's too late...

Just then, an Elvin guard taps at the door. "My Lady," Captain Ordono announces his presence. "May I enter?"

Nodding slowly, I sit up straight and offer him a small smile. At least he's remained fairly loyal lately. "Come in, Captain."

Not long ago, my guards always acted a lot less nervous around me than they do now. Of course they were always professional, but never as tense as they have been lately.

Ordono walks into the library and stands at a stiff attention several feet away from me. "Are you well, your Highness?"

Again, I nod. "Much better than I have been recently. My hands haven't been shaking very badly as long as I keep them clenched, and I haven't had any fainting spells or dizziness today. Hopefully it was just a bug or something, and I'm getting better from it."

Ordono almost smiles at my sick-computer pun, but quickly grows deathly serious again. "The Dreamland heroes-"

"Just Dreamlanders, thank you, Ordono."

"Very well. -The Dreamlanders have been sealed in the magic-blocking crystal cells in the lowest levels of the dungeon, and we took their armor, weapons, capes, and tools. Also, the Halcandran starship was locked away in the royal arsenal, and the Elf released into Nintendo City with orders to stay away from the castle, all as you requested, your Highness."

Suddenly feeling furious again, I look away from him and nod stiffly at the wall. "Good. I don't want those monsters getting out anytime soon, so make sure to keep a close eye on them, you hear? And if you get a chance, try to get them to tell you where they put the people they kidnapped. I'm glad we got Luigi away from them, but it's a pity they'd already brainwashed him... Oh well, I guess it's not a surprise that he was weaker-minded than the people they took and had to hide somewhere."

Ordono seems to purse his lips as he turns away, probably in fear of saying something I won't like. For whatever reason, that just makes me madder.

"If you don't have anything else to tell me, please leave me alone, Captain."

After taking a deep breath, he turns back to me. "Your Highness, we have spoken to multiple witnesses from Dreamland and her related realms, and-"

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