Sometimes Fighting Another's Darkness is Easier than Fighting Our Own

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Clerk's POV:

(Random fun fact: Apparently my little sis has always envisioned Clerk as a puffball with elf ears sticking out of the sides of his head who somehow wears a red hoodie. Where she got this idea, I have no idea. Anyhow, it's rather amusing. XD)

Later that night:

With a sudden jolt, I sit bolt upright and shake myself before burying my face in my hands and trying to calm my breathing. Man. Looks like the nightmares are back. Seriously though, I swear, if I dream about Solar getting me to betray the others and Sakura somehow being forced into killing me to protect herself and the others one more time, I'm probably going to go insane. At least the nightmare's over again, for now...

Taking my face out of my hands and pulling my hoodie's hood up over my head again, I force myself to take several deep breaths, still trying to wear off the bad dream-induced adrenaline. Around me, most of the puffs we met up with earlier are lying in various random flopped positions and sleeping, although the strained expressions on their faces easily show that they're not exactly resting well.

Not too far away, Sakura stands apart from the group, wings spread and sword out like a puffy little guardian angel, making sure nothing tries to harm us while we try to sleep. I can tell from here that she's really nervous and on edge, but who can blame her? Ever since it got dark in here several hours ago, it's been nearly impossible to see. No sky means no moon or stars, and since Solar (figuratively) killed whatever the light source in here is when he decided it was time for lights out, it's really, really dark. The only thing providing any way to see is a sphere of magical yellow-white light that surrounds Sakura, providing a warm, soft glow that allows me to see the others and her, and allows her to see beyond our little 'camp' a ways.

"Still no sign of Meta Knight?" I ask quietly, and then frown when she jumps at my voice. That's weird. Normally she would've known I was awake as soon as I woke up, especially since I made so much noise just now with my heavy breathing and everything.

Shaking her head, she murmurs without turning around, "Nothing. At least no monsters or anything either, yet, anyway." She pauses and holds a glove up for me to be silent, but then sighs and relaxes just slightly a moment later. "I keep hearing... something way off in the distance. Whatever it is, it hasn't come any closer all night, but it still worries me."

Nodding slightly, I realize, "That's why you didn't notice me. You were straining so hard to hear... whatever it is you're hearing. Okay." Suddenly, it strikes me that she's been the only watchman all night so far. "Aren't you getting tired? You should rest. I could-"

"No. I trust you more than the others do, but I don't think they'd like it if I let you be our guard."

"Okay, then we could wake someone else u-"

"No. They need all the rest they can get. If Mags wakes up, I'll let him take over. In the meantime, what I said about you probably applies to Jiyuu too, and the other three are just kids." Sighing, she shakes her head and mutters to herself, "I wish Meta were here. I'd feel so much better about things if he were." Before the last word is out of her mouth, she suddenly tenses up again. "There it is again. What is that?" Clenching her sword tighter, she moves it from her side to in front of her subconsciously, a knee-jerk reaction she's always had when she's scared and has her sword out as long as I've known her. "Okay, great. That time it was definitely closer. Apparently it's done staying far away."

In worry, I frown deeper and get up, walking carefully over while being careful not to step on any puffball people and trying to hear what she hears, too. Once I get over to her and am standing beside her, towering over her like a giant three times her size (which I am), I can faintly hear something way off in the distance. At first, it just sounds like a breeze, but then I slowly realize that it sounds like breathing, maybe even whispering.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 7: Kirby and the Battle for Dreamland (OLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora