Ripple Star: The First Planet Saved

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Ribbon's POV:

Oh, hi, it's you guys again. What? You want a status update on the Fairy side of current events? Well... Let's see...

Ever since Taffy and I got back to Ripple Star yesterday, things have felt really... well, worried and strange. The Guardian Fairies still haven't gotten back from their diplomacy trip to Planet Pipi, which would be completely fine and according to plan, if it weren't for the fact that no one on the Fairy Planet can get in contact with them no matter how hard they try. Not only is that concerning, but with everything going on here, it's really not very good, either.

What all's going on here, you ask? Well, nothing that we didn't already know about... The Queen Fairy's still really sick, or so we've been told. No one'll let us talk to her, and without a talk with her, there's no way we can get the Fairies to agree to be the puffball team's allies.

Right now, I'm nervously flitting around the castle, attending to my normal Decorating Fairy duties and trying to keep everything looking cheerful for when the Queen gets better. Taffeta, on the other hand, is anxiously following me around, mostly being in the way, although that part of it's not on purpose.

"You do think the Queen'll be all right, don't you, Ribbon?" she asks for the millionth time, reaching up and fixing the bun in her hair for the billionth time even though it doesn't really need it.

Biting my lip, I force myself to put on a smile, turn, and nod at her confidently for the trillionth time. "Of course, Taffy. She'll be fine. She just needs a few days to get well." That's what I keep telling her, anyway, but I can't help but worry, myself. In a sense, the Queen Fairy is sorta like Ripple Star's Fountain of Dreams. Since the Fountain didn't make it, even though everyone's always thought it'd always be there, who's to say if the Queen'll be able to make it?...

Not noticing the deep frown on my face as I drift over to a polka-dot bow on the wall and straighten it, my little sister lands and sits down against the wall, shaking her head slowly. "I really hope you're right... I've just got this terrible feeling, like something absolutely awful is about to happen, Ribby. Oh, if only the Dreamland heroes had actually done something instead of just sitting around..."

With a huff of exasperation, I put my hands on my sides and flit over to right in front of her before sternly scolding, "For the quadrillionth time, it's not their fault all of this happened! For ripple's sake, things would probably be a quintillion times worse if they hadn't been able to stop the Darks, whatever ended up happening to both of them."

Rolling her eyes, she half-glares up at me and mutters, "Look who's decided to actually act like the big sister for once."

Even though that really hurt, I don't show it at all other than to clench my fists and fly away from her again. "Well, someone's gotta be, and since you're busy placing blame and worrying over things we can't help, I guess it's gotta be me this time around."

Ignoring me, Taffy goes right back to wringing her hands and looking around herself with a woebegone expression on her face. "I wish Nova was still around... If it was, we could go make a wish on it for the Queen to get better. Too bad somebody- who just so happens to be one of the Dreamland zeroes- happened to go and blow it up on some dumb narcissistic quest a few years ago!"

Refusing to even look at her, I remind her in a mutter, "At least he put it back together before he blew it up again, so it wasn't like he wasn't undoing something he himself did. Or so the story that went around about the whole thing goes."

"And who blew it up the first time? Oh my gosh, how about that- one of the Dreamland zeroes!"

"Yes, but it wasn't really Kirby's fault- I mean, I don't think it was- oh, I don't even know," I groan and shake my head wearily as I land on the floor, lie down on my back on the carpet, and close my eyes in exhaustion.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 7: Kirby and the Battle for Dreamland (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now