Darkness Can Be Overcome

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Sakura's POV:

Everything's black. It has been for awhile now, actually. In a way, it's a welcome sensation, all peaceful and quiet. There's nothing to run from, nothing to be afraid of, and nothing to harm me, but at the same time, it's rather cold and lonely, too. Sure, there's nothing and no one here to frighten me, but there's also nothing and no one here to keep me company or be my friend, either.

Suddenly, the empty blackness I've been surrounded in for awhile starts to fade into reality, although where and when, I have no idea. With a groan, I slip back into consciousness, only to discover that I've got my face in the dirt somewhere. Faintly making a face, I weakly roll over onto my back and slowly force my eyes open.

Wherever it is, it's night, but the light from the full moon that's out on this particular night makes my head start throbbing. With a grunt, I close my eyes again and sit up, running a mental checklist of what's hurting. A minute in, I give up- at the moment, pretty much everything hurts.

It takes a minute, but eventually my mind starts trying to make sense of things, which of course only leads to my heart hurting just as bad as everything else does. I attacked them... I was going to hurt them... What the Shotzo got into me? What's wrong with me?

Slowly blinking my eyes open again, being careful not to look up at the moon, I take in the sight of my sullied gloves. I did it again. No matter how hard I try, how long of a winning streak I pull off, I end up losing all over again and using Dark magic. With a quiet groan of shame, I stand up, wobbly, and study my surroundings a little bit. Where am I?

I'm in a field of grass that grows taller than I am. It's not that chilly out, but I feel pretty cold just the same. Every so often, a breeze winds through the grass and wildflowers, making the plants swish and flutter around in it. I can also hear the sound of tree branches rattling and leaves rustling not far away; I just can't see any trees above the tall grass. The sky is so empty here, wherever this is, aside from the moon and what looks like maybe Venus. There's not a single star. Part of me wants to say that this is Earth, since I recognize the Humans' moon and Earth is the only planet I've been on that you can see Venus from, but why would there be no stars?

Unless... I've moved forward in time, and Solar has found some way to erase them.

No. That's not it. Even Solar can't get rid of the stars. More likely, I just can't see them because I don't have any Light inside me left to see them with.

Ashamed, I spread my wings out and go to take flight, but then notice that they're just like they were earlier: tattered, matted, and dirty. After holding them so my wing-tips are in front of my face, where I can see them, and staring at them in sorrow, I finally sigh and turn them back into a cape. I don't really feel like flying right now, at least, not with these filthy things. Holding my cape around myself as best I can, I shake my head once and start to walk off into the tall grass, hoping that I don't run into any giant rattlesnakes or anything.

I don't make it far before something makes me freeze. Instinctively, I reach for a sword only to find that I don't have one at my side. I can't reach into my cape and take out Cherry Star; I'm not good enough for her right now- and I don't mean that sarcastically, either. It's just the truth. I'm not worthy of wielding a star sword in this state, and yet, somehow... I can hardly bring myself to care.

Looking around warily, I finally realize that whatever I'm sensing is back where I came from. Wary, I wander back in that direction, but then freeze again when it starts calling for me. Even though the voice is soothing, friendly, it's also condescending and somehow frightening. For a long moment, I resist, but finally start to be dragged in by its gentle pleads.

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