Back Into the Woods We Go

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     I make my way upstairs and into my room, trying to find the warmest presentable clothes I own. In the end, my outfit doesn't change much. I was already wearing a sweater when I got up here, so I just leave that on, along with Harry's beanie, and slip on some warmer socks. I tie a black scarf snugly around my neck, grab my phone from where it's charging beside the bed, and -after checking on Randie- head back down to the kitchen.

Anne is reclining on the couch with the TV remote to her right, and her phone to her left, but in her hands she holds a rather thick book. She seems to be completely immersed in it, so I'm quiet as I shrug my peacoat over my shoulders and sneak into my boots.

"Have a good time," I hear from behind me, obviously Anne's voice.

I free my hair from the collar of my coat and smile nervously. "Thanks, I will." My eyes shift to her phone on the arm of the couch, and I clear my throat. "If you have any problems with Randie, or just have any questions or anything, don't be afraid to text Harry." I feel like an idiot telling her this, but knowing that it's been said is bringing me a little peace of mind.

"I will, honey. Is this your first time with a babysitter?" She asks, just before she laughs. "That sounded a lot dirtier than I intended."

I manage a light chuckle and nod. "Yeah, it's my first time really being away from Randie."

"I was a nervous wreck when I left Harry with a babysitter the first time, too. Don't worry, honey, it'll be okay. And if anything comes up, I won't hesitate to call, okay? Go on, now, Harry's been waiting." She offers a warm smile, one that I gratefully return as I head into the kitchen.

I find Harry standing in front of the glass door, hands clasped comfortably behind his back as he stares out into the darkness. He looks serene, with a certain glint of happiness in his eyes. He's wearing a pair of black jeans, and what looks like a thick gray sweater underneath a brown aviator jacket.

He doesn't notice my presence until I silently step into the room, when he turns around with a pleased grin. "Nice of you to finally join me," He teases, bringing a hand up to run through his hair.

"I got a little hung up talking to your mom," I explain, following behind him as he leads us outside. I'm a little confused as to why we're leaving from the back door, but if I've learned anything about Harry during my time with him, it's that he can be completely unpredictable. The ground crunches underneath us as we walk, frozen by the chill in the air.

I look up again, and that's when I realize that we're not headed towards his car; we're making a beeline for the woods. "Where are we going?" I ask him, my pace slowing as we get closer to the trees.

"Hey," Harry says smoothly, turning around to face me. I must have the word anxiety stamped across my face, but Harry doesn't seem to be phased by it. "Do you trust me?"

Instead of answering with a yes or a no, I stand there conflicted. He wants me to enter the woods with him while it's nearly pitch black outside. My thoughts flicker back to what happened at the park, and even that was during the day.

"Isis Sparrow, do you trust me?" He asks, his tone serious now. I look up to find that he's stepped closer to me, and I focus my gaze on him, instead of the eerie woods. "It's a simple question, really. Don't think about the consequences of whatever you say in this moment. Just tell me the truth-- do you trust me?"

Glancing over at the dark trees, I hesitantly nod. I do trust him, probably more than anyone else on Earth. Harry takes my hand, intertwining our fingers, and through the heat that runs in my body like an electrical charge, it feels right. His hands are warm, instantly heating mine up as we cross into the woods. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone just to turn on the flashlight.

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