Chapter 12

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Torrance POV (Leah in media box)
For a second, those two words echo in my head before I step further away from him.
He's watching me closely, waiting to see my reaction. I just shake my head and turn around.
Walking to Dorothy, she stands and wraps a black thin sweater around my shoulders as Carmen grabs her hand. Jona comes beside me and wraps an arm around my shoulders to kiss the side of my head before taking it off to crutch next to us as we walk.
"You can stay in my room tonight. I'll sleep on the futon." I silently nod at Jona and follow him.
He kisses my forehead, telling me everything will be okay before I climb into bed.
It's 4 a.m and I still haven't been to sleep.
Climbing out of Jona's bed, I listen to his snoring as I grab the backpack of clothes we took from Gray's room and find a sports bra and running shorts.
I change quickly and wrap my hair in a bun before opening and closing the door quietly.
I wave at the men posted at the back door and they nod at me. They know I can't escape so they don't try to stop me.
Going to the track, I make sure my laces are tied before I start running. Running helps me think.
My breathing comes out in uneven pants as I run another lap. The sun is starting to peak over the horizon, letting me see what's around me.
Slowing down, I take a deep breath, my hands rested on my hips as I lean forward. I hear the rumbling of people talking as they come outside for training and I start running again.
"You playing football with us?" I look over to see South jogging next to me.
"Who's playing?" I look forward again.
"Vin, Jack, Al, Kevin, Carl, Gray, J-"
"Nope." I shake my head and move forward again.
"Come on, Torr." He catches up to me and I sigh, stopping.
"You don't get it. He kidnapped me and he hit me." By now I'm shouting, attracting a lot of attention. "He took me from my family and he almost got me killed!! He threatened me!!
South looks at me with wide surprised eyes. I turn around to leave and that's when I see Gray. With a woman next to him, holding hands.
My heart drops and I swallow harshly. Vin runs over.
"Come on. You need to get out of here." Putting a hand on the small of my back, he glares in Gray's general direction and South joins him.
Moving his hand off me, I look at him with sorrow and pain. "I want to go home."
"You can't."
"Why not? My dad lost his Princess and he can't get her back." Tears well in my eyes. "I want to go home where my brothers can protect me from everything from a paper cut to being kidnapped by a gangleader. I want my normal life back."
Both men look at me with pity. "Do something then. Dont let him walk all over you."
He moves his hand and tugs my hair out of its bun, letting my curls reach my waist. "We're going out tonight."
"But I don't have anything to wear." I look at South as he tells me.
"Go get a shirt. We have some shopping to do." He smirks at me and I stare at him.
"JONA!!!" I turn when I hear Vin yell the man's name. He hobbled over with a questioning look. "Give the girl your shirt."
He takes his muscle shirt off without question and shoves it over my body. It reaches my knees and I stare in surprise as South grabs my hair tie and ties up the back of it at my waist. The shirts cut from the shoulders to my hips so you can see everything that isn't covered by my sports bra.
"You coming with us?" Jona raises and eyebrow. "Shopping for Torr."
"Do I get to see every outfit?" I shrug as he looks me up and down. "FUCK YEAH!!!"
I laugh as he fist pumps the air and throw myself in Vin's arms. Looking past them, I see Gray watching us as he holds the woman's waist and his lips move against her's.
"Can we do this later? Right now, I need to cry my eyes out." I turn back to them and they nod.
I sniff and take off running towards the house. Dorothy's in the kitchen and she drops the bowl of mashed potatoes to run to me.
"What? What's wrong?" She cups my cheeks, looking at my face.
"I can't stay with him." I whinper, trying to hold the tears.
"Oh, sweetie. You can share Carmen's room. We'll go get your clothes right now and you can get settled in." She rubs my arms and I nod. "Why don't you start and I'll just get this stuff off the oven?"
Again, I nod and move away to get down the hall. As I go up the stairs, I feel tears stream down my sweaty cheeks. Sniffing, I lightly knock on the closed bedroom door, though I know he's probably not inside.
After hearing nothing but silence, I open the door. Hurrying to the closet, I start sobbing as I shove clothes into a giant duffle bag.
Not going shopping before now, I don't have very much to pack. Tossing a pair of socks in the bag, I jump when a hand touches my shoulder.
I know who it is even before I turn around. "What are you doing?"
"What does it look like?" I whisper hoarsely.
"It looks like you're doing something you shouldn't be." He frowns at me and moves closer. I step back.
"Stop it, Gray. If you won't let me go home then at least let me go somewhere else. I don't want to stay in here anymore."
"You mean you don't want to be around me anymore." I look down, not answering. "I can't say the same though."
I gain some confidence as he puts his arms on the wall beside me and i duck under them.
"Go find Leah. I'm sure she's be happy to give you what you want. You're marrying her after all." Zipping the bag, I walk out of the closet, leaving the bad ass gangleader dumbfounded.

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