Chapter 6

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Torrance POV (Dorothy in media box)
I sit on the bed, my back against the wall as I stare at nothing in particular.
I figured out this is Gray's room when I woke up next to the half-naked man. I was on top of him. Not like that but my leg was around his waist and i was cuddled to his chest with his arm around me and a hand on my thigh.
It's been 2 days since I last spoke to Gray. To anyone for that matter. Even if they do get me to come out of the room, I don't say anything.
I don't know why, but it's like I don't even have the strength to think anymore.
The door opens and I know who it is but i don't look away from the blanket.
"Torrance, this is stupid. You need to get up." I shake my head at him. He sighs and grabs my waist, pulling me close to him. I gasp but quickly close my mouth when I remember I haven't brushed my teeth yet.
"If you get up and go back to normal, I-I'll let you make one call." He hesitates and my eyes pop open.
Shoving him out of the way, I rush to the bathroom and shower quickly. Zipping a black strapless crop top with a zipper in the front, I walk out of the bathroom.
"Ready?" I nod and he walks in front of me.
Going through a door, it leads to a big office, complete with weapon racks and computer monitors. Oh and a nice leather couch.
He motions to the chair behind the desk and I sit, biting my lip as he hands me a phone which is probably his.
Quickly dialing the house number, I pray that someone picks up.
"Hello?" A voice sniffles and i close my eyes.
"Mom." I whisper, a small smile spreading across my lips.
"Torr?" She asks hopefully. "Is that you, babygirl?"
"Yeah, its me." I sniff.
"MARS, ITS TORR!!!" I hear crashing and pounding footsteps.
"Hey, King." I hear his relieved chuckle and i open my eyes, leaning back.
"How did you get to a phone without getting caught?"
"Oh, please. You and i both know I would never be caught." I scoff. "But... actually, Gray, he... he's letting me call."
"WHAT?!?!" I wince and pull the phone away. "He's not threatening you to do this? Did he hurt you?"
My hand comes up to brush against my cheek. "No, he's not and yes he did, but not on purpose."
"Not on purpose my ass. He's a gangleader, it's his job to hurt people."
"Does that mean you hit mom?" I question and he immeadietly halts. "Thats what I thought. Being a gangleader can go two ways.
"The power can get to you and make you cruel and harsh and a cold-blooded killer. Or, you only do things to bad people, like rapists or pedophiles. Being a gangleader doesn't mean you kill anyone who steps foot on your territory. You know that."
I can feel Gray's eyes on me but i don't look up.
"Dammit, you got me."
"Checkmate." I smirk lightly. Whenever we prove a point, we say 'Checkmate'.
"We'll get you out of there soon, Princess." My mood falls and i feel the heavy weight of tears.
"Where's Brandon?" I ask, trying to ignore his comment.
"Trying to find you with Kyle. He thinks it's all his fault."
"I'm going to beat him with a pillow and steal his Oreos." I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest. Gray chuckles and I look at him.
"Is he with you?" My eyes widen.
"No, it was the t.v." I lie quickly.
"How'd you know I was lying?" I frown, sitting forward.
"I didn't until now. Checkmate." I hear the smirk in his voice.
"Aw, man." I whine.
"Is it on speaker?"
"Good. I want you to know that we're coming for you. You'll be safe and here with us again. Dont lose hope."
"And what if I do? What happens when I don't have anything left, what do I do then?" I ask, already losing hope.
"I don't know, Princess. I miss you." He whispers and i can hear my mom crying in the background.
"I miss you, too." I whisper back. Gray taps his watch. "I- I have to go."
I can hear my dad's choked sobs. "I- I love you, Princess."
"I love you too. And if we never see each other again... I was the one who drank your beer at my 12th birthday." I quickly hang up, not wanting to be yelled at.
"You drank his beer?" Gray cracks a smile.
"Hey, I was 12 and curious, leave me alone." I pout, crossing my arms over my chest.
He chuckles and then the room is silent. I almost forgot. Unclasping my necklace, I open the heart locket.
Inside is a picture of Kyle, Brandon, and me on one side then one of mom, dad, and me.
"Can I see?" I look up at Gray and hand the chain to him gently. "Don't let anyone else see this. They'll either take it or try to kill you because you're related to them."
I take the necklace back and put it arrround my neck. "The ironic thing is, I didn't even know about any of this and i could be killed because of it."
I chuckle bitterly.
Glancing at the computer monitor, I feel myself go white.
"Gray, are there supposed to be scary looking men with guns kicking down the front door?" I ask.

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