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Silent_Laughter08 says:

.....What....would your creepypasta name be?? If you know or LOVE creepypasta.....DATE ME- a-ahem!! I meant you're awesome and you deserve a sh*t load of banaenaes....i call 'em banaenaes because...reasons...

//: *is playing on laptop* Yeah I know of creepy pasta. Not a lot though. As for what my creepy pasta name would be? Well maybe-

Kaito: *interrupts* All of you thought Len was a vocaloid but no... now revealing his secret identity! Len is NOT a vocaloid he is secretly... BEN DROWNED FROM CREEPYPASTA! *points accusingly at Len*

Luka: Huh? Why would you say that Kaito.

Kaito: *puts on detective cape and pulls out a magnifying glass* Elementary dear Luka, elementary. Well you see-

Meiko: Oh god here we go again... *leaves room quickly*

Kaito: Both Ben and Len have blond hair!

Luka: I see, I see...

//: Well I can't argue that... *keeps playing online*

Kaito: Plus they are both around the same height!

Luka: Oh! You mean they are both short???

//: *suddenly stops browsing* ...

Kaito: Exactly!

Luka: What else? What else!?!

Kaito: Lastly, but most importantly...

Luka: yeeeees???

Kaito: They are both practically the least scariest member of their groups which practically makes them shotas!


//: *turned around and is now glaring at them viciously*

*computer screen turns fuzzy when an angry looking BEN appears on the screen behind Len. The phrase 'you shouldn't have done that' slowly appearing on the screen*

Luka: O.o

Kaito: O.o

Luka: Run?

Kaito: RUN!!!

*both flee the room*

//: Huh? *turns around and looks at the screen, but it's back to normal* Oh well.

Continuing the question I really have no clue what my creepypasta name would be. Maybe you guys could suggest one?

And did you just say- *clears throat awkwardly*

And of course I am awesome! Therefor I deserve ALL the bananas! *totally being oh so humble today* Also, now I'm curious... why do you call them that??? .-.

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