Insanity Pt.2

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lkagaminer said: *as a continuation from last time* After you complete that, find Luka and sing Miku's part in magnet wearing your servant of evil costume.

*grumbles* It's not a costume... *gets changed*

later that day...

*Is still walking around looking for Luka* Dang it where is sheeeee

"Oh hey look! Len's wearing his Servant of Evil outfit..."

"Maybe it's an omen?"

"Most definitely an omen."

"Len's gonna die!"

"No! Len! Don't die!!!!!"

... "I'M NOT GONNA DIE!!!!" >^<

If anything I'm gonna die of embarrassment! Luka-san where are you!?! 

*finally finds Luka*

"Thank god! Luka-san, please sing magnet with me!"



"But first.... why are you wearing your servant of evil costume?"

"I-it's not a costume!!!!" 

"You still didn't answer my question Len."

Uh... lying time again! "It's uh... comfy... yeah... comfy..."


"L-let's just sing already!!!!" >//////<

*finish singing Miku's part in magnet with Luka*

"Thank you Luka-san, talk to you soon!"

"Sure, bye Len- Ah wait, before you go..."


"Well, just... don't die."

"Where did that come from Luka-san!?" 0-0

"Well your wearing your Servant of Evil outfit..."

"Just because I'm wearing this doesn't mean I'm gonna die!!!" *sweatdrops* "Later." *leaves*

Gee, seriously what is with people!? Just because I wear this I'm not gonna die... =^=

*goes to cross the street and almost gets hit by a car*

T-t-that was close... *breaths out a sigh of relief*

Ask Len KagamineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon