The Party...

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MikuTheVocaloid_01 said: Invite all the Vocaloids to a huge party!

And so it begins... *sighs* Miku, Neru and Rin said they would help me plan but... they never responded with anything helpful... heh, oh well. Guess I'll just do it all myself... =^=

*writes invites to all the vocaloids*

GonIsMySpiritAnimal said: I saw the comments! I'm daring you, Len Kagamine, to not host just a Vocaloid party, but invite me and Leorio and Killua and Kurapika, too! *whispers* Just don't mention Hisoka. You remember what happened the last time you two met!

..... *Invites all the Hunter x Hunter  characters*




You know what, whatever. I'm sending invites to all my watchers too. *invites random fans and watchers*

*prepares fruit punch, lots of fruit, fruit salad, finger food, snacks, chips, soda and gets a DJ and lots of lights and glow sticks and smoke machines*


*buys some arcade games like terminator, ddr, and other various ones and installs them there too*

Okay... I got this...

~:At the party:~

*sees all the random people* Okay, maybe I don't have this... *sweatdrops*

Random fangirls: "Kyaaaaa it's Len!"

*shrinks back* "Um... "

*runs up to stage and clears throat before taking the mike from the DJ* "Ahem. Testing testing... One- one two- ahhhhh... okay. Everyone sudden change of plans, you all must wear a mask or you shall be kicked out of the party!" *points to random servant coming in with cart of various masks*

*Tonpa is trying to put something in the fruit punch*

"Tonpa! If you spike that punch so help me I'll make you wish you were never born!!!!!"

*spots Meiko drinking sake and trying to give it to others* "No Meiko-san! NONE OF THAT we have MINORS here!!!!"

*Kaito is eating the sherbet out of the fruit punch bowl*

"Kaito-kun! Don't just eat the sherbet!!!! It's for the punch!!!!"

*glances to side and sees Gakupo trying to put eggplant in various foods* "Gaku-nii! No one likes eggplants STHAP!"

"Rin-chan! Please don't trow oranges at random people!"


*sighs and walks off stage, grabs a mask* ...this is gonna be a long night... *puts on mask*

~:And so the party continues in the comments*

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