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akita_neru02 said: *epic eyebrow wiggle*i dare u to act like meiko

Aw comon! Really Neru-chan? REALLY!? Do you like making fun of me and making me do awkward things??? TT^TT *sighs* Okay, I got this...

~:Time Skip:~

*burst through Kaito's door with hair down out of ponytail and dressed in red tank top with red shorts and sneakers*

Kaito: 0-0 wtf

*stumbles in leans on Kaito* 

*acting drunk* "Kaito~ Hiiiiiiiiii"

"Dude, Len what is going on? Wait or are you Rin.. I mean your hair is down andyoulookthesame...."

*anger mark* ... *steps on his toes and keeps crushing them* "Eh what are you talking about Kaito-kun? I'm Meiko MEIKOOOOOOO~!" 

"Ouch ouch okay okay I'm sorry!!!!"

*Len-meiko stops stepping on kaitos foot*

*kaito sweatdrops*


"Shud up and bring me some sake!!!!" 

"Okay okay"

Wait I'm underage he's not seriously gonna-

"Here." *Kaito holds out glass of sake*

0-0 "W-wait Kaito I can't seriously! I'm underage!!!!"

"No backing down now, shut up be a man and drink!" *forces Len-Meiko to drink the sake* 0-0

~:1 hour later:~

*Meiko opens the door* "Hey Kaito can I borrow a-"

"Sooooooo Im totallllz Meiko *hiccup* anz I um erma kusobabaa~! hehehe*hicup*hahaha~"

*Meiko is angry*

"Why you little..."

"Wait wait Meiko, hear me out hahaha"

*Kaito explains situation to Meiko*

*Meiko has a dangerous glint in her eyes.

~:le time skip again:~

*Len is sitting in-between Meiko and Kaito on the counch*

"So thwen I *sniff* Waz dawred to eat awl ze owranges.... *hiccup* and twhere was winny... then the *hick/sob* roada rowler.... *starts bawling*


"Meiko... don't you think that's a little much...?" *Kaito looks over at the half empty sake bottle*

"Oh heck no this is too much fun!" *makes Len drink another thing of sake*


*Kaito's thoughts - 'I am so sorry it came to this Len...'*

That night Kaito snuck back into Rin and Len's house and put him back into his bed. The next night Len woke up with a massive headache and could not remember anything that happened last night.

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