Love Life

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GonIsMySpiritAnimal said: Aww... Len! -hugs- It's okay! Maybe I could go explain things to Rin-chan!

Leorio: *lightly hits Gon on the head with briefcase* No. You'd just make it worse. Len needs to tell him the truth. (You called Rin-chan a guy!?! o-o )

Killua: But he only does things if you dare him to!

Kurapika: *crosses arms* Fine. Then we dare you to tell Rin-chan the truth, apologize for the confusion, and also confess your true feelings for her.

Everyone else: YEAH! XD

.....oh COMON! Ugh....

How the conversation went....

"H-hey Rin-chan?"

"Yeah Lenny?"

"Um... so... you know that random letter basket thingy, and how you thought it was a stalker...?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"...that was me... SORRY!" >^<

"Eh!?!?! B-but.... love confession...." 

*scratches neck* "It was a dare... some kinda 'favor' or something apparently..."

"Oh... so you don't like me?"

*waves arms* "No no no! I-I like you. And since I was dared to confess how I feel... um... I l-like you but I know your probably don't feel the same... not to mention some dimensions your my twin and not just a mirror image... yet it would still probably be weird anyways. And sometimes I kinda like you more then just 'like' a-and I probably shouldn't and I know it's probably wrong b-but..." 


*gives sad laugh* "Ahaha not that it matter cause it wouldn't work and you don't see me like that, right? So what was I even think... stupid dare.... haha.... oh dang this is embarrassing... bye!" 

*Len ran away sad and embarrassed*

Yeah... that wasn't fun and was really embarrassing AND confusing to myself.   >////////<

*sighs* Oh well...

On another note in my love life someone IRL told me I was pathetic for being too 'pathetic' to ask someone out! Wern't they just soooooooo nice about it~? *obvious sarcasm is obvious*

And, to be even more annoying, they gave me a dare!


Okay.... ugh here comes another pain, some day I will regret ever doing dares... probably today...

'I dare you to try going out with the first person to reply on the comments for the chapter you post this dare in! AND NO BACKING DOWN!'


YEAH. OKI. BYE!  >////////////////<

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