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//: Hey everyone! I can't really remember much of what happened yesterday.

Kaito: It's better that way Len-kun.

//: Huh?

Kaito: Just go answer some dares or something to get your mind off things.

//: Eh sure. Why not. The next dare is from Akita_Chisa07!

Akita_Chisa07 says:  Len, I dare you to read at least 4 Lencest lemons X3 sorry, I just have to get back at you for leaving that long 

//: Huh what the heck is a Lencest lemon!?

Wait a second I got this... *looks it up on google and reads one* ... 0-0 whattheheck there is no way I am reading 3 more of these-!

Piko: *poking head through the door, glaring* Finish your dare...

//: *gulps*

Piko: Finnish it to completion. Or else... *slowly walks away doing the 'I'm watching you' hand motion before leaving*

//: QwQ curse my life...

*3 more lencest lemons later*

//: *staring blankly into space as I slowly close my laptop* 

Kaito: *facepalms* oh for the love of master it happened AGAIN!?

Rin: Uhuh...

Gumi: Can we just take him to Master again?

Luka: *shakes head* If they keep asking things like this there's no point. It seems like we will just have to let him remember this life ruining moment.

Kaito: Poor kid.

Meiko: *slides a glass of sake onto the table next to Len* Here... your going to need this Len-kun.

Rin: Meiko! You can't just go giving him alcoh-

//: *chugs the whole thing*

Everyone else: 0-0

Meiko: Woooooah! He chugged that like a pro!!!

Luka: *whacks Meiko on the back of the head* Baka.

//: *picks up laptop and starts walking*

Gakupo: He's fine. See? He's walking and everything.

Kaito: Hopefully your right...

//: *walks to wall and places laptop on the wall*

Rin: ?

//: *repeatedly whacks head off the computer*

Gakupo: ...I take that back.

Kaito: =^=

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