I was currently in the nurse's office with a passed out Austin. After the guys dropped him off, he said he was 'okay' before landing on the bed and became conscious. He woke up five minutes later and we placed ice on his face before he fell asleep.

"Mila what's wrong with you!?" Dinah said charging into the room.

"Shh you're going to make him wake up." I warned.

"Okay I'm done." she said before grabbing my arm and dragging me out the door. Once out in the hallways I forcefully pulled my arm away from her grip.

"Why did you do that Dinah?!"

"Because I'm tired, we're tired of watching you take Austin's side all the time and it's only been two days!!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"You're choosing him over Lauren Chancho! That's not right."

"No I'm not."

"Oh my god Camila. I swear your so naiëve to these things. Are you blind or something? You've been taking his side since yesterday. You defended him when Lauren tried getting him away from you when he tried getting at you. Now she found out he asked you out and she had warned him already, but Austin challenged her. She was only trying to protect what's hers, but you ended up not showing that you were grateful for her efforts and picked his side."

"Bu-No let me finish." she interrupted me.

"You know how Lauren felt after seeing you pick his side for the second time? She was mad, frustrated, disappointed and so many more emotions. I would too if Siope picked another girl's side rather than my own. Now Lauren left and won't be coming back for the rest of the day, so I suggest you get your shit together or my Camren ship will sink." She said sadly at the end and started walking away.

I was left stunned and speechless. Was I really being so niëve and not noticing what was really going on? Does Austin really like me? But if he did he would've told me. Should I apologize to Lauren?

What do I do?

Austin's Pov

Ugh! What the hell happened?  I asked myself trying to sit up, but gave up instantly, feeling pain shoot through every part of my body.

I looked around and saw white walls with medical posters. I realized that I was in the nurse's office because of fucken Jauregui. I don't get why she's trying so hard to get me far away from Camila. Im was going to score either way.

"Austin?" I heard.

I turned my head and there she was, my goddess. She was wearing tight white skinny jeans, a plaid shirt with some converse. She looked so hot, her backside was the best part though, the things I c-


"Huh?" I say being brought back from my thoughts.

"How are you feeling?"

"Umm, how a person who just got beat up really bad is supposed to feel?"

She laughed, causing me to smile. I had a charm and I will use it so I could pull her in slowly, then she'd be all mine.

"So are you still up for the movies?" I asked.

"Have you not seen the state you're in?"

"Yeah, but I don't care. I still wanna go with you."

I saw her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink and she went into a thinking state. Her face had so many facial expression in the two minutes she was thinking that I lost count.

"Soooo up to it?" I asked.

"Yeah, but what about your face?" She asked worriedly.

"Well I hear makeup does miracles." I smiled.

She giggled, "Okay let's go to my house, I'll see what I could do."


We left the school without telling anyone and drove to her home which kind of looked abandoned.

"Do you live alone or something?" I asked.

"Um no my parents are always working, my little sister gets taken care of by my aunt, and I'm always at Lauren's house." she explained.

"Oh okay, so no parents?" I asked testing the waters.

She gulped, "No.."

We exited the car and made our way towards the front door. Once inside she asked if I wanted something to drink, but I declined. She told me to go up to her room while she got something from the bathroom.

I went upstairs and instantly found her room since her door had two big letter 'C's' which I guessed stood for her initials. I entered and her walls were covered with tons of posters. From the 1975 to Justin Bieber.

I looked around for some moments and caught a glimpse of a photograph of her and Lauren cuddled in bed. I couldn't wait for that to be me and to have Lauren not just emotionally hurt, but physically as well if she kept messing with me.

"You ready?" Camila's voice suddenly sounded the room.

"Yeah." I said sitting on her desk chair.

"So I'm going to put some foundation, concealer.." She started naming all these makeup products which I didn't know what they were so I just nodded.

After about fifteen minutes she had finished and I went to go check my face out in her bathroom mirror and I had to say, she did a very good job in hiding my black eyes and swelling. We were about to head out until we heard the doorbell ring.

We looked at each other confused on who could be at the door, so she went downstairs to open it. I followed but stayed at the top of the stairs.

"Lauren?! What are you doing here?!" I heard her say before I saw Jauregui enter the home and catching a glimpse of me.

A/n: hey! New character! Michael's the only guy I thought of to be a good dealer figure aha. But please leave feedback! Favorite or comment :) Cliffhanger! Till next time ;)

We Are A Secret (Camren) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now