Chapter Eleven-The Cat O' Nine Tails; Rome, Italy; 1971

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Morsella saw Anna.

    "Where's your lover?", he asked.

     "Looking for the killer". Anna answered.

      "Si. But I think it's too late. I know who it is", Morsella said.

       "Who?", enquired Anna.

        "Spini's boyfriend. He is jealous. And he has friends in the pharmaceutical company". Morsella wiped sweat from his eyes.

        "That's crazy", Anna said, and left her apartment. She gripped her brown colored purse, keys, and headed to Carlo's apartment in Rome.


"Franco! Are you there?", Carlo asked.

        "Si", Franco answered.

         "Excuse me, but your life is in danger. And Bianca. Both of you can go to my place. I'll deal with the killer". Carlo said.

          "Si", said Franco, as he saw his niece doing a crossword puzzle.

         "May I take care of him?", enquired Bianca.

          "Si", Carlo said, and smiled, as they were taken away to safety.


Carlo grabbed his .9mm gun. He had had more information.

      According to public records, Doctor Mombelli was known for his violence. He was now the main suspect.

       Suddenly he saw a dark figure holding the cat o' nine tails in his right hand.

        And Carlo ran towards Doctor Mombelli, before he could kill again.


Doctor Mombelli saw the reporter.

        He slashed at him.

        But his prey was too far to kill.

        "Shit!", he yelled.

         And he ran towards one of the buildings...where the final showdown would end the nightmare.


Carlo saw the wicked looking Cat O' Nine tails.

          "It's over, Doctor!", he ran towards him.

           "No it's not!", he said.

           Carlo smashed into the killer. He dropped the Cat O' Nine tails onto the ground. Carlo kicked the weapon away with his left boot.

            It then fell off the building near his apartment.

            And then he aimed a .9mm gun in his right hand. And shot the insane pharmaceutical doctor in the chest several times.

          The doctor stared at Carlo, as blood spilled. Then he was about to attack again, when his momentum caused him to scream, and he fell off the building, and died.


Carlo saw the doctor's dead body.

         He remained at the scene of the crime...and waited for the Coroner to arrive. He reached a nearby phone booth.

        "Anna, it's Carlo. It's over! I'll be home soon. And I'm alive!", he said. He opened the phone booth door, and noticed the polizia coming towards the tan colored building, where the Doctor's body remained still...and stayed that way for a long, long, time.


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The Cat O'Nine Tails A novel by Robert HelligerWhere stories live. Discover now