Chapter Five-A reporter investigates; Rome, Italy; 1971

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Police Supt. Spini, 50, shook his head.

     "CLOSE THE STATION!", he yelled.

     He wore a dark brown colored hat. A slight wind blew from the north. The body of Doctor Essen was so horrible, Spini shook his head.

     On the dead body was the white colored nametag: DOCTOR KLAUS ESSEN, MD-ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PHARMACEUTICALS.

      He wrote the name of the victim, just as Carlo Giordani arrived.

      "What's his name, Supt?", the reporter asked.

      "Doctor Klaus Essen. A German doctor from Berlin. He worked for a Roman pharmaceutical company. I'm sure you've known the other doctors, Carlo", answered Spini.

       "Si. Doctors Braun, Casoni, and Calabresi. They're all wanted for the murder of a night guard. A Miss Anna Tersi, is helping out. And a blind man named Franco Arno heard the killer in the car park before the guard died. He lives with his niece. He loves crosswords", Carlo Giordani said. "How strange", Spini said, "...Now, let's do our job before more people die", he said. As yellow CRIME SCENE tape was erected, the new time for the next Roman train would be delayed until 6:30 am tomorrow.


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The Cat O'Nine Tails A novel by Robert HelligerWhere stories live. Discover now