
She had shoulder lent back hair and was much shorter than Ichigo.

"Oh, hey Rukia, what are you doing here?" He said positively. Ichigo blinked at his small friend. Rukia laughed and flung herself around Ichigo. He stood, shocked. He smiled down at her, and realized that the embrace was one that he needed. He hugged back.

"Idiot. You didn't say anything to me in so long. I thought...." She trailed off, but in her head she said "that you lost your memory.."

He looked at her pitifully.

"Uh... sorry?" He studdered. She looked up at him then pushed him away.

"I'm so mad at you, idiot." She said loudly.

"Ma'am?" Ichigo and Rukia turned and saw Chiba staring at them, obviously perplexed.

"That is the new captain, luetenant. Just thought you should know." Rukia almost laughed at the scared soldier. He thought Rukia was attacking Ichigo? Well I guess she wasn't far off.

Ichigo waved his hands at Chiba.

"Don't worry, we're friends." He said, and Chiba sighed of relief.

"Yes sir. But can I escort her out?" He tensed again as he stared at Rukia. She was no longer hugging Ichigo, but he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Just friends." He repeats, as if further saying nudging him to not worry about it. He keeps his ground.

"Sure." Rukia says lighthearted and starts off with Chiba.

She turned around as she walked, facing Ichigo.

"Your not off the hook. I'll be back. DO NOT get killed." Ichigo laughed, but inside he knew what she was referring to, last time she said that he ended up forever sleeping on the sidewalk with a stab wound in his chest. Aka, dead.

She whipped back around and followed Chiba through the barracks.

"DAI!" Masa was running through the soul reaper academy waving a bundle of papers while simultaneously yelling her old friends name. In their first year they were good friends, but since they'd grown apart. So now that Ichigo was gone, she had no one else to yell to.

The students were parting as she passed them, as if she was parting an ocean of salt water. She got stares and whispers, but she couldn't care less.

She collided with Dai and accidently knocked him to the ground. She swung around, held out a hand and excitedly said "I've been looking everywhere for you!" Dai closed his eyes and took her hand.

"I noticed. No, everyone from here to Rukon district 50 noticed." He stood up with Masa's help and straightened.

"What'you need?" He said casually. Knowing Masa, it was probably something like a good grade or the talk of the lunch room.

She waved the bundle of papers in front of his face.

"Do you know what this is?" She asked.

"A waste of a good tree?" He answered. She flashed his a scowl and then ripped open the bundle to the first page. It was handwritten, and the bottom was signed.

She cleared her thoat, and started to read.

"Ms. Masa Kucheki and Mr. Dai Masuo are hear by graduated and are to report to the headmasters office to be assigned a squad emmediately. This order was confirmed by
Headmaster Shenako."

A smile was spread acrossed Masa's ecstatic face, but Dai wasn't surprised at all. Of course, he didn't take the graduation test, but his brother told him it would play out like this.
Play along, he thought indignantly.

"W-what? For real? We got in? That's awesome!" He said almost too fakely. He smoothed down his white hair nervously.

"So go pack!" She said pointedly. He just stood there awkwardly.

"N-now?" He studdered. That, he was not expecing. Usually graduating students had a few days of luxury to pack and say goodbye to their friends. But she was telling him he had to pack his stuff and just.... Leave?

"Well, hence the term emmediately. Yes now! Meet me in front of his door in ten minutes." She said and flashstepped away to the dorm. Dai followed, unsure of what to do. Ten minutes to leave to a new life.

He flung into the boys dorm and onto his bed. Ripping of the sheets and pillows, he stuffed them into a big laundry bag along with other loosed clothing articles. It took him no more than 5 minutes to pack everything. He almost laughed at the thought.

He scribbled a note to put on his bed.

Graduated early, goodbye

None of his friends would be missed. The only real friends that he had in this school were Masa, and most recently, Ichigo. So writing that note was all he needed.

He found it shamefully easy to pack up and leave. He thought he would miss something, but there wasn't really anything to miss. All of his teachers were lazy and didn't care about him, and all of his friends were the same. So as he left, he decided to try to forget the place He'd spent three long years in and to move on.

He knew He'd have to.

Authors note: okay, alot of filler things but I'm trying to get there? Sorry for not posting this chapter for a while, I've been pretty busy. Next chapter I am finally going to try to get as many loose ends tied up as possibly, so keep watching for a new chapter! PLEASE COMMENT! I'm gonna give shout out to @bookygurl for commenting on a whole bunch of my story parts, I enjoy them all! Well anyway thanks everyone for reading and as always, keep calm and fan on!

The masked secret (Bleach fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن