✨ c h a p t e r t w e n t y ✨

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice increasing. "Where?"

"Hurry up!"

"I'm coming," I said, hanging up and frantically grabbing my things.

"What's happening?" Roman asked, grabbing me as I fake-panicked.

"Maggie, she-she's hurt," I answered, biting my lower lip. He cursed. "She's near your house."

"Come on."

Within seconds, Roman and I rushed out of my house. He started the car and pulled out immediately. He nearly sped to his house. He didn't even bother locking the car door as we parked. He flung the door open and not even a split second lager, everyone screamed, "Surprise!"

It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was completely shocked. He chuckled, shaking his head as a grin broke out on his face. Our friends bombarded him first, sending him birthday punches and hugs. I stood off to the side, watching the embrace with a smile on my lips. I wouldn't trade them for anything else in the world.

Roman turned around to face me, opening his arms in the universal sign that meant "c'mere." I grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me tightly, lifting me off the group and making me laugh softly. He set me back on my feet. "Thanks Abigail," he murmured, kissing my cheek gently.

"Happy birthday Roman," I murmured. He squeezed me gently before letting go. I took a step back, letting everyone else give him birthday wishes.

Maggie and Anna yanked on my arm and nearly dragged me upstairs. "Quick, get into this!" Maggie said, tossing me a dress. It was a red lace dress with a keyhole neckline and sheer lace sleeves. That's when I realized how dressed up Anna and Maggie was compared to me. I quickly changed into the dress; they worked on my makeup. Anna was wearing a white and baby blue top and a baby blue high-low skirt. Maggie wore a black and white crop top and a short pink skirt with it.

After changing, the three of us headed downstairs. They all but dragged me to the kitchen where Tony was setting up shots. It wouldn't hurt to get loose once in awhile... I followed their lead and took the shot.

"Happy motherfuckin' birthday Roman!" Tony cheered, wrapping his arm around Roman's shoulder. He chuckled, patting his back. He caught my eyes, giving me a wide grin. Today was the first time I've ever seen him smile so wholeheartedly.

His eyes raked my body in approval, sending shivers down my spine. He extended a hand out to me. I accepted it. He dragged me to his side, wrapping his arms around my neck. He pressed a kiss to my temple, murmuring, "You look beautiful, as always."

I smiled, kissing his cheek. "Just for you," I whispered. He left a chaste kiss on my jaw, pulling me closer to his side.

"Round two!" Tony cheered, bringing out another tray full of shots. We downed it immediately, the familiar stinging sensation burning my throat. I winced visibly before relaxing. "Let's part-ay!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at Tony. He was practically drunk and only had a couple of shots. Anna and Maggie dragged me away from Roman, taking me out to the living room which was now a dance floor. The couches were pushed to the side to give us space. It took me a couple of moments to loosen up but with Anna and Maggie's persistence, I was able to join along. I moved my body along to the rhythm of the music, mouthing the words when I could. Two arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me to a firm chest.

"I didn't know you could move like that," he murmured against my ear, gripping my waist.

"There's a lot of things you don't know," I replied, leaning against him. He hummed against my ear, leaving a kiss on my shoulder.

We moved along to the beat of the song, the people surrounding us disappearing as if it was just us two. His arms held me to him as if he never wanted to let go. I wanted to believe that – hell, I really did. But it wasn't going to last. There was absolutely no way that it was.

I didn't realize I stopped dancing until I was turned around. "What's on your mind?" Roman asked, cupping my cheeks.

"You." I swear I could see his pupils dilate. He rested his forehead on mine, letting out a deep breath with his eyes shut.

"Abigail Evans," he murmured.

"Roman Carter," I whispered. A small smile appeared on his lips. He opened his eyes, staring deep into mine. They were slightly red but not bloodshot. I could still make out the green and grey flecks in his electric blue eyes. There were a series of emotions that were incomprehensible.

His hands trailed down my shoulders, my arms, until they gripped my waist. He tugged me closer, leaving absolutely no space between our bodies. My breath caught in my throat as he lips left an open mouth kiss on my neck.

"Abigail Evans," he repeated, reaching around to cup my ass.

"Rome," I whispered. He squeezed my ass gently, letting out a husky moan.

"You drive me crazy."

If it weren't for the fact that he was holding me so tightly, I would have dropped to the ground. My legs felt like Jello, my thoughts were clouded, and I could smell his woodsy scent. I was beyond intoxicated – I was overdosing on him.

I swallowed inaudibly as he trailed open mouth kisses on my neck to my jaw. His nose brushed against mine, his lips less than a centimeter away. I gripped his shoulders, breathing him in. "Kiss me." I don't know what gave me the courage to say that. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it's because I knew he was going to kiss me or maybe I was just tired of waiting for a kiss.

His lips were on mine the moment the words left my lips. My body was bursting with want – no, need. I needed Roman. His lips moved gently at first, his fingers digging into my bum. He gradually began to kiss me faster, his tongue clashing against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer to his body. There was no such thing as space; every inch of my body was pressed against him. I could faintly hear the sound of someone cheering near us – probably Tony. I could feel the beat of his heart against my chest. A smile worked it's way onto my lips as I realized it was beating just as fast as mine.

"It's about time!" Anna acclaimed.

Roman chuckled against my lips, pulling away only slightly. I couldn't help the smile on my lips as I looked at him. He looked so carefree and absolutely ethereal. "That was one hell of a kiss," he said, not bothering to remove his hands from my behind. I blushed, pulling him back for another kiss.

A/N: why do fobby brown men have the mentality that they can raise their hand on women? You're not in India nor are you as strong as you think you are. Sometimes I hate being Indian.

stay strong xo

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