His voice

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Martha's POV

His voice was just incredible! Everything I said about the other blokes' voices, they were all wonderful in their own unique way, but his, his voice was a perfect blend of all four. It was low, it was high, it was raspy, it was smooth, it was booming, it was soft, it was everything! And the song matched perfectly with his ranges. For example, he could perfectly hit those very high notes but when he sang "And the way she looked was way beyond compare" it was so low and booming that I could practically feel his voice vibrating through the floor. I was absolutely enchanted. So this is why Alice goes nuts over The Beatles, I thought.

Well my heart went BOOM

As I crossed that room.


Another fantastic high note, of course. Even though this guy could charm your socks off, he had some damn fine pipes, and I almost tricked myself into believing that I wouldn't mind if he tried to charm the socks off me.

Wooah! We danced through the night.

And we held each other tight!

And before too long, I fell in love with heeer.

Now I'll never dance with another.


Since I saw heer staanding there!

The gorgeous sound of all their combined voices burrowed in my ears but I didn't care! Their voices were all so magnificent and I was so entranced. My mind and my heart were racing and suddenly I didn't feel like a wallflower anymore! Until the singer stared right at me again, but this time it wasn't a glare. It was more of a puzzled look, as if he thought I was a different person. He kept singing but he kept his eyes on me. So, with nothing else I could do, I simply just smiled politely and waved shyly at him.

Sorry it's so short. I've been all kinds of busy.
Junior year is HARD! Already I've been assigned 2 essays in the same class.
Also, help me out. Juniors are supposed to put in orders for their class rings this week and I can't decide on a stone. So I'm turning to you guys, so what'll it be? Purple amethyst or Mother of Pearl?
Let me know in the comments what you guys think.
Thanks! Love to all the wafflebunnies

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