20. What The Hell??

Start from the beginning

"You don't say. Well tell you what." he begins with a smirk.

"I think she deserves better, for example me. Plus I could give her things that you can't." He says rubbing his hands together.

"I'm warning you Mahone. Stay away from her." I said through clenched teeth.

"Or what?" He asked, challenging me and that's what caused me to lose it.

Dinah's Pov

I knew it! I freaking knew it, Dorito boy was going to cause problems. He wasn't good news and Camila was being so niëve about his intentions. It had been minutes since Lauren went into the locker room and god knows what was happening in there, but I texted the squad to head over here, but not Mila.

"Aye babe what's up?" Siope asked arriving with the squad behind him.

"Yeah why did you text us to meet here?" Normani joined.

"Well you see Austin kind of asked Camila out after school and I told Lauren and let's just say it didn't end up going well and she's in there doing who knows what to Austin." I tried to explain quickly.

"Wait, you're telling me that that moron over here asked Camila out?" Normani asked getting angry.

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying."

"Oh my god I swear he's getting on my last nerve. He caused Camren to have an argument yesterday at softball practice!" She said.

"Are you serious?! Hell no." Zayn said rolling up his sleeves.

"Um, Malik what are you doing?" Siope asked.

"Going to go see if Lauren left us some places to beat." he said before entering the locker room.

"Is it bad that I totally want to see this?" Harry asked excitedly.

We shook our heads no because we all wanted to see that too so we all just entered the room without anyone seeing us. The first thing I heard inside was grunts and moans of pain from of which I believed belonged to Austin.

"And this is for thinking you are better than me." Lauren told him before giving him a blow to the nose.

Once I came to view of Austin's entire body, I saw blood all over his face and his shirt. Part of me was happy that he got what he deserved but another part felt bad for the guy but that's what he deserves for trying to ruin our ship!

"We're done with him for now Zayn." she said cleaning her fist with her shirt.

"Lauren what did you do!?" Ally asked covering her mouth once she saw Austin on the ground in the state he was in.

"Just gave him a lecture." she shrugged.

"Stay away from her." she told him looking into his eyes that were almost completely shut due to the swelling before kicking his legs and then making her way out of the locker room.

"You can't leave him like that!" Ally yelled.

"Watch me." she stated before completely leaving from the room.

We all stayed planted in our spots looking at each other wondering what we should do with him. Either leave him here and let someone find him or take him to the nurses office and risk Lauren getting suspended.

"We should take him to the nurse." Ally suggested.

"Really?" Normani asked "I think we should leave him."

"Look at him, he could barely move!" she argued.

"Fine we'll take him." Harry said rolling his eyes. "Justin, Siope help me."

Together, the trio picked him up and then put a random sweater they found over him. After covering his face with the hood, they slowly exited the room while we followed close behind.

But I spotted Mila on the end of the hallway with her back turned to us so I quickly got in front of them stopping them in their tracks.

"What's wrong Dinah?" Harry asked.

"Mila! Mila's right up ahead." I whispered yelled.

They all looked and their eyes grew wide. They hurriedly turned back around and took a different route towards the nurses office while I stayed behind making sure Mila won't run into them.

"Hey Chanco." I said coming up from behind her.

"Oh hey cheechee." she said.

"It's such a nice day out, let's go outside and sit under a tree and enjoy the fresh air." I say a bit to excitedly.

She gave me a weird look, "Are you okay cheech?"

"Yeah I'm peachy, why?"

"Well you suddenly ask to 'enjoy nature' and you never ask to do so. I even recall a time you said you didn't like being outdoors."

"Oh, well people change Mila, you of all people should know! But come on!" I said pulling on her arm.

"Um, okay?" She finally gave in "But let me put my books in my locker."

I followed her and to my surprise Lauren was walking in our direction and if you noticed her knuckles it was clear to see she had hit someone or something. I just hoped Camila didn't notice.

"Lauren what happened to your hands?!"

Well then

"Oh now you want to talk to me." Lauren replied rudely.

"I'm sorry, I got upset on what happened yesterday and I still was this morning, but what happened?"

As soon as she asked Justin, Harry, and Siope came into view helping an injured person who happened to be Austin walk to the nurse. It was too late to warn them since Camila had spotted them already.

This keeps getting better and better

"Oh my god what happened?" She gasped once she removed the hood and saw Austin's face.

He couldn't talk so she just looked at the guys waiting for an answer and then looked at us. She then started to put two and two together. She looked from Lauren's knuckles to Austin's face several times until her eyes went wide with realization.

"Lauren wha- why?!" She asked.

Lauren didn't answer she kept a blank expression on her face. When Camila realized she wasn't going to answer, she gave Austin her attention and told the guys to take him to the nurse. She then followed behind no longer caring about Lauren's knuckles. Once she was out of sight , Lauren came back to self and socked a nearby locker.

"You're going to break your knuckles Laur, stop."

"I don't care Dinah, did you see what just happened? She took his side!!"

"I seen Laur, but you need to calm down before you do anything else you'll regret." I said trying to calm her down.

"I'm tired of him it's only been two days and look at the mess he's created." She said rubbing her head.

"Go home Laur, once the nurse sees the state he's in, she'll call the office and they'll end up suspending you, so might as well."

"You're right, I need to relax a little."

"And by relax you don't mean relax do you?" I asked carefully.

"Your relax is different from mine. See you later Hansen!" Were her last words before she made her way out the school and towards her car.

Knowing what she was going to do, I didn't try stopping her since I knew it would be useless since Lauren does what Lauren wants to do.

A/N: back to back haha! Don't forget to favorite and/or leave comments! They are appreciated :) see yah laters!

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