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Elizabeth calmed herself down about Booker and his uncontrollable behavior. In her head she kept repeating to herself. "I can't believe I almost left him." She had the motivation to do so at the moment and if she have left him. Where would she be? One thing she knows is if she did. She wouldn't be happy or safe. All that would disappear.

Booker kept his mind locked on Elizabeth, how he held her curvy hips, hugging her with tender affection unaware and folly of reality.. He almost kissed her, getting caught up in the moment. Right then he was vulnerable and open. He didn't expect to make such a preposterous move on her. He didn't expect to care for her at an immeasurable rate.. Every second coming along is more steps to him wanting Elizabeth.
If this keeps up, he will eventually fall for her, want her company, need her as his side arm.. And be his everything. 
There must be a way out of this mess. Deeply he engaged on any ideas to avoid falling for her rapidly. "C'mon think of something." He said to himself. He peered for an idea or some enlightenment which that did the trick. One glance from a clock to a toy race car gave him a perfect way out. He needs to race against time.. Because it's only a matter of time before he falls in her beautiful circle. If he hurries himself to get her to New York, he will have a success in letting go of his genuine care for her.
Well at least he hopes so.

Booker and Elizabeth streamed ahead for the  airship ticket room. Pure trouble blew in Booker's sight.
Guards were around holding Lugers, hand cannons and shot guns.. They looked upon him, studied him and thought nothing.
Booker feared them for one reason.
They had access to guns which daunted him. A few wrong moves could spoil Booker to die. He can't have that. 
"Stay right behind me." He whispered.
Elizabeth didn't question him. She sensed the same kind of trouble.
Carefully they peered on, Booker was ready to fight any moment. One guard glanced at him placing a clip into his Luger. Another guard threw a cigarette below himself.
Suspicion involved a large role.
Booker aimed around taking insights on his moves in case something were to happen.
"Okay.." He said to himself. "Three guards are on the left- one with a Luger, the rest with shotguns, two are on the right holding Lugers and one is ahead.. Holding a grenade launcher. Damn.." Carefully he decides against all odds. "Hmm.. The guards on the right are more vulnerable. Lugers aren't much of an accurate side arm. Those men with shotguns can bring me down in no time. If I head for the Men on the right I'll be doomed with the shotgun men.. Damn." Again Booker scanned.
"Maybe I can aim for that guy with the grenade launcher. His armor is certainly weaker, which that makes no damn sense. I can get his launcher and cause havoc."
Booker grinned.
"Why are you smiling?" Elizabeth looked at him as if he were insane.
"Just thought of something important." He said plainly.
Elizabeth edged her eyes, worried.
She isn't worried about Booker in this situation. She's worried about them dying.. She has no idea Booker is a fighter..
And a killer.
Who quenches for blood..

Booker approached a small ticket booth, Elizabeth stood behind him. A small smile smacked on Elizabeth's lips, her eyes blossomed in happiness. "I can't believe I'm going to Paris!" Not only is she going.. She's going with Booker.. Together.
Her heart echoed out of the room, pulsed impossibly fast. Booker glanced to her and saw her moving from excitement. He took a shot at her eyes and knew what she wanted.. Paris. Her dreams are coming true..
Sadly it seems so for her.
Booker looked away and visioned himself in Paris With her, how wonderful it would be. Life would be stress free, worries wouldn't exist, fear could drain from his heart. He would be a free man again.. Booker slid his down on the desk. Skeptical. His mind tangled in webs.
He loved visioning himself in Paris with her.. But it can't happen.. "Ugh.." Booker frustrated himself, critically thinking of his choice.
"Anna.. I need to get her.. I will save her. I promised myself to get her and Elizabeth is step one.. I need to focus."
A few seconds of time.. His heart closed, even his emotions. He can't afford to be hurt again or troubled by feelings for girls. He's done with it and he needs to keep going.
Booker is too determined.
He's to stubborn to change his state of mind.

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