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" Leon I'm home" I yelled when I got in and I saw him on the couch with a dim light on, to make matters worse he looked sad.

" What's wrong Leon talk to me " I said almost running to him and I sat grabbing his shoulder.

" Two things one my boyfried broke up with me and I'm not sure you want to know about the second one, plus I'm not exactly sad I'm mostly angry" he said and I frowned making him look at me as I gathered all my courage and nodded.

Then he opened his instagram and showed me neymar's account and when I looked more closely I noticed a new post with some girl that I didn't know about.

" Show me the caption of the post" I said anger boiling inside me.

" Mina gatina, te amo " I read it out loud since it felt that I would feel less pain but it only made it worse since I heard my voice saying it and I couldn't possibly accept it.

" Does that make me? " I asked not wanting to finish the sentece but Leon nodded knowing what I meant.

" You are his secret lover that no one knowns about only this time he takes out on dates just to give you the illusion that it was real" he said and I felt like crying but there were no tears in my eyes anymore.

" It was a lie all of it, just like last year, the only deference is that last summer I knew that it couldn't be official" I said and instead of tears I felt rage, I wanted to punch him if possible.

" What now?" Leon asked making me look at him probably giving him a shiver.

" Now I hurt him the same way he did" I said getting up taking my high heels of.

" It's time he found out what that pain is like" I said and Leon nodded.

" But how? " he asked and I smiled at him.

" We will figure that out over a glass of wine" I said and walked to the kitchen.

As we were talking and laughing making each other feel better, an idea pops in my head and I stop doing anyhting and Leon looked at me frowning.

" New York" I said and he smiled.

" That's how I'm going to hurt him, I will go to New York but I won't tell him" I said and he frowned.

" Look he's an egoist, right? He likes to be in control of anyhting and everything so that's how you break him, you let him think that he's in control when in fact you're plotting against him, I will leave and let him believe I'm still here, like let him know what I did via the news" I said getting up walking to my bedroom.

" Charles do you remember when you told me about New York?" I asked and I could feel him nod.

" Yes what about it? " he asked, his voice sounded a little weird and hoarse.

" Is it still on?" I asked finding mysuitcase and he sighed.

" It was always on from the day I told you" he said and this time it was my turn to nod.

" Good I want to go to New York" I said trying to find my favorite shirt.

" Great you can leave in two days" he said and I smiled hanging up.

" It's on I'll go to New York in two days from now" I asked hugging Leon.

" Will you survive without me? " I asked and he nodded with a smile.

" Yes I will now, destroy that son of a bitch who broke your heart girl" he said and I smiled.

" Team Eliana" he said giving me thumbs up and I just laughed.

" Go get your suitcase done" he said and I sighed.

" In two days I want you to call Neymar and tell him to come over in an hour or two because I want to see him but I have a sore throat and when he comes here and he doesn't find me explain to him how I left" I said and he winked with a smile.

I walked upstairs and got my suitcase done then I old Leon not to do anything concerning Neymar because he's coming with me in New York because he might be able to live without me I wouldn't. We ended up hugging with some distance and I slowly closed my eyes.

Dream within a dreamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang