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I got up in the morning and I took a warm shower to relax and take my mind off this meeting.

I got out of the shower and I decided to find what to wear as I always needed at least 20 minutes to find what I wanted to wear let alone get dressed and comb my hair.

Around 9 am I realized that I had to meet Mathew's parents first to let them know about my life and character, hobbies and weird life stories.

I got ready and meet them at their family coffee shop.

"Eliana it's so lovely to finally meet you, I'm Ann Marie "she said and I smiled and shook her hand and sat down.

"Hi I'm Philippe you must be Eliana "he said and I nodded soon a waitress brought us coffee and I took a sip.

"Ugh this is great, do you have a specific recipe" I asked laughing and they shooky their head.

We talked about everything concerning my life and they seemed to understand what I had to face.

I left and wrote them down my address so that they would come earlier than neymar.

I went upstairs and got dressed since I only had two hours and I had get ready and book a table at a restaurant.

My doorbell rang and I wasn't even done with combing my hair.

"Hi come in I'm not done yet and we're waiting for our guest"I said and they sat patiently and they really looked like they could pull it off they actually turned the TV on to make it even more convincing.

"Hi you must be Neymar Jr Eliana has told us so many things about you "I heard Ann Marie say and that betrayed that as a couple they didn't really like football.

I took a deep breath and went out to face him, when I got out Philippe turned the TV off and got up.

"Finally you are ready now let's go" he said and I nodded.

"Can she come with my car? "Neymar asked and my 'parents 'let him of course, I wish I had told them what kind of devil he was.

I got in and he drove behind their car "so your parents look like nice " Neymar said and I nodded.

"Indeed they are really nice people "I said and he seemed to fall for in my trap.

"We reached the restaurant and he opened the door for me because they were looking at our direction.

He offered his hand and I took it and sighed and walked next to him.

"Hi reservation for Lefleur Philippe said and she tapped something and nodded.

"can I have your coats? "the lady asked politely and we all nodded.

We.found our table and sat down Ann Marie was across from neymar and I was across from Philippe.

"So Neymar tell us about your career "Philippe said and he smiled.

"Well I'm 23 and I play for Fc Barcelona, I have the number 11 and I am basically living my dream "he said smiling.

"Within a dream "I said under my breath but Neymar heard me and looked at me and I looked back.

"So excuse me I have to use the restroom "Ann Marie said and she left, there was an awkward silence between us until Philippe's phone rang and he went outside to talk.

"Cut it out "I said looking at Neymar who looked at the menu.

Soon a waiter came to take our Order "So have you decided yet? "he asked and we nodded and he took our order.

"And I would like a glass wine" I said because I really needed one.

"so what exactly do you want me to stop? "he asked as if he didn't understand "I'm simply being polite to your parents " he said and I sighed.

My parents soon joined us and they talked about football and some techniques when it came to playing.

It was late so we decided to pay and headed home.

"Neymar you don't have to besides we are the ones who came up with it "Philippe said when neymar took his wallet out.

"No sir I insist on paying and I won't take no for an answer" neymar said and Ann Marie smiled and they let him pay after all.

"Well Eliana you did tell us many things but you didn't tell us he is such a gentleman and I'm proud of him being your....? "she started but I hadn't really mentioned neymar before so she didn't know what he was to me.

"Boyfriend "Neymar said immediately and she smiled.

"Well since he's your boyfriend how about he stays over the night? "Ann Marie asked and I was just about to answer when neymar stopped me.

"I would be glad "he said and I sighed but smiled when she looked at me.

We went in his car and I was kind of tired so I think that during the ride I fell asleep.

I woke up because neymar squeezed my hip and I gasped.

"Hey sleeping beauty it's only five minutes before we get to your house "Neymar said and I nodded.

We reached my house and this time I got out myself before neymar could play prince charming again

Dream within a dreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora