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" What's up bro?" I asked when I saw Gil waiting for me at the airport, I had left Paris but there was one thing that bothered me, why didn't Eliana respond to my texts and calls.

" Hey, Jo is in the coffee shop hitting on some chick" he said pointing at Jo who seemed busy charming the other girl.

" We should text him that we're leaving, I don't want to embarrass him" I said and took my suitcase and walked out of the airport.

Jo decided to join us after half an hour and, of course, after he got her number. We went home and duing our way there I tried calling Eliana and texted her about another million times but there was no answer, as usual of her in the past week, and my friends kept teasing me that I was head over heels for her.

" OK, I suggest that before we watch game of thrones we learn what is going on around the world" Jo said but neither Gil nor me wanted to wath the news so we would watch it at night.

" Dude you get scared easily" I said at Jo who covered his face with his hands when a really brutal scene was on TV.

" Unlike you, I have feelings you know" he said but then he laughed making me smile.

" What do you think I should do with my hair?" I wondered looking at the black TV screen.

"Nothing" they both replied the same time making me laugh.

The rest of the day was pretty simple, I talked with Davi who was going to come in Barcelona tomorrow and I missed him a lot. I had already started planning the things we could do together. We played hide and seek and we laughed a lot during lunch.

Around 5 pm my sister decided to pay me a visit, she was always well dressed and presentable but this time she was wearing sweatpants and a plain white shirt. She might have smiled but her expression betrayed that she was hidding something from me, but since she didn't tell me I decided not to push her. It might be that time of the month again.

" News time" Jo exclaimed when it was finally 9, to be honest I was currious to see what happened in the world while we were having fun, even though I had a terrible feeling about it.

" Good evening, tonight I will be presenting the news, so let's start with the most important news of the day, Real Madrit won the match between them and FC Barcelona since three key players were missing, we all know them as MSN" the presenter said and honestly I was quite sad that we lost but it's not on me so it's OK.

" Another important matter of today is that Eliana Lefleur anounced that she will permenatly stay in New York, her schedule though seems quite busy so we are certain that she end up spending more time abroad tha in New York" the presentr continued and I looked at the TV whohad an interview of her, she really did seem happy, her ends of her hair were dyed blonde and as she fixed them I noticed something on her finger but it can't have been what I thought it was.

" Mrs Eliana, we were told by Neymar's ex girlfriend that you had a relationship with him what can you tell us about it?" one of the reporters asked and she sighed looking down, she didn't seem hurt she seemd angry.

" I must admit tha his name once made me smile but now whe I hear his name I want to throw up, I will try to decribe our relationship without being too rude. Neymar Jr is a player both literally and metaphoricaly, any girl dating him should be very careful. Now on our relationship it was purely lust, that's all" she said clearly irritated at the sound of my name.

" Even though she is very busy, she has been keeping her Instagram and Twitter accounts pretty active, unfortunately we are running behind schedule so we won't be able to show a few pictures from her Instagram account, have a great night" the presenter said with a smile and I was really curious to check her Instagram, how didn't I think of that? And how could she leave without saying a word, I watched the perfect image of her crying in her bed being destroyed right in front of me and honestly I felt sad.

I looked her up on Instagram and I saw a bunch of pictures of her, one of then ignited my interest. she was laughing next to this guy Leon and it was a black and white one so I checked the caption.

" I'm not the kind of person to be deep on social media but I have to say this. It's weird how your one true love can be diguised in a form of a friend, one whom you though you'd never end up with. Well that's the case with me and my best friend Leon we were always there for each other no matter what and even though we denided it for years the feelings between us never left they only grew stronger in time" That caption made my heart warm but it also hurt me the same time then I looked at another picture in which she was sitting on the pavement wearing a beany, she had a serious yet hurt look on her face.

" Maybe we were a perfect match that's why we burned out" as I looked closer I noticed that it was taken in Paris exactly one week ago, it hurt both my ego and feelings she played me whilst I was playing her, she was playing the player.

" Juniho, both you and I know that she meant nothing to you just like the other girls" Rafaella said touching my shoulder making me look at her.

" Yeah, I know but what if it was different this time, what if I actually had feelings for her and she played me, it hurt Rafa" I said on the vrge of having an emotional breakdown but then I realised it.

" Is that how every girl I've played felt? Did they hurt as much as I'm hurting now?" I asked and I couldn't help but let a tear escape my right eye only for Rafa to whipe it away from my cheek.

" Yes, maybe even worse' she said, I always loved how she was honest with me so I smiled and she did to pulling me into a hug.


" And now our guest, Eliana Lefleur" the hist of the show said and I walked towards the stage with a smile on my face as I waved to the people who were attending.

" Hi thank you for having me" I said still smiling as I sat down.

" Thank you for accepting it" she said and I nodded.

" Alright, first of all I would like to know more about your fiance Leon" she said crossing her legs and I sighed with a smile as my heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name.

" What can I say, I've known his for as long as I can remember, he has been there for me. In the begining he thought he was attracted to boys not that he went through with any of his relationships. And he was my best friend, but it actually happened one night I don't know why but he slept together and the next morning we were sincere with eachother about our feelings and he proposed" I said and I looked down smiling to myself.

" Wow, now that is a great story. I'd like to dicuss with you about your career, I mean you were already pretty much recognisable but know it's skyrocketed how do you feels about it?" she asked and I answered as clearly as possible. The rest of the interview was a blur to me and I answered all the questions as clearly as possible.

I went home and Leon was there obviously earlier than me and he smiled as he kissed my forehead and then my lips, I have to admit i was head over heels for him.

" I'm in love with my best friend" I whispered when he stopped kissing me and he smiled still hugging me.

" Thoughts?" he asked and I sighed with a smile. my eyes still closed.

" I win " I said and he knew what I was talking about, Neymar being hurt.

" You do win, in everything" he said and I smiled kissing him again.

" Lunch?" he asked and I nodded.

" Lunch" and with that we headed for the kitchen.

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