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I was at work shuffling my drawings in order to find something that needed to be done and I swear I don't leave my things on the floor but this time every single papper I had was scaterred around my office and I was sitting down searching otherwis I would lose my mind.

I was so caught up with what I was doing that when Leon came in without knocking I gasped and got up  immediately fixing my shirt and blue jeans.

" My God you scared the hell out of me" I said putting my hands in my waist.

" Sorry I just realized he didn't know what a Quiche Lorene was" he sai taking a seat on my chair.

" Wait what? " I said still buffled.

" Everyone knows what a Quiche Lorene is, the fact that he doesn't know makes me suspitious" he said and got up walking like a detective.

" Yeah people who speak or know French know it but he barely knows how to speak English, seriously I can't use long words with him" I said frowning.

" Even worse, look I'm not saying this to hurt you, but your whole existance is a lot different than his, he grew up in Brazil he was never good at English and he was atrouble maker in school" he started making me fold my arms.

" And you, you were, are, perfect in anything you do, for example you grew up in France more specifically Paris the town where if you're not good at something you had better move, you were always good when it came to speaking English and you were a great student with great grades" he said and I frowned not realizing where he was going with this.

" He likes hot and tall women with a negative IQ number whereas you like inteletual me who appreciate art and go to a gallery with you" he said and he was right we were a lot different but opposites do attract each other.

" But my point is that I have this gut feeling that when he gets the chance to meet someone who is just like him, a hot tall girl with a negative number who also speaks portuguese and her IQ is below zero something tells me that he will break up with you" he said and I looked down realizing that he may be right.

" Yeah I guess you are right about that so I shouldn't get too attached to him because I know better than anyone that he's a player but I would like to live this summer traggic love story you know the one that is doomed to be destroyed and they they try to make it work" I said bending down realisng that what I was lookong for was right in front of me, litteraly.

" Fine I just don't want you getting hurt" he said and I took my bag and we left for the house.

" So you have two hours to get ready go take a shower because you reek sweat and don't wear high heels it's pathetic to see him being shorter than you" he said and he raised his voice as I walked away so that he could be heard.

" HIgh heels or sandal high heels" I wondered as I looked at my shoes smiling evily.

I ended up wearing a bark blue dress along with my nude high heels, again, but I loved them. When I looked at my dryied hair I sighed and put them up in a loose bun. I sighed and went down stairs.

" I'm going to say it again, you should have become a damned model" he said making laugh as I sat down next to him.

" No make up, I like that" he said and I smiled.

" Yeah the world has to put up with my face to the day I die" I said pointing to my face smiling.

" He's late" Leon said looking at the clovk and he was five minutes late.

" He could be stuck in traffic" I said looking at the clock.

" Or he could be with someone else, sorry but I can't shake it off" he said and I nodded.

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