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"we should call a cab "Neymar suggested and I nodded as I took my phone out to call for one.

"A cab is going to be here in 10 minutes "I said and sat on the couch.

"Wait I thought you didn't drink" I said and neymar nodded.

"I don't "he said confused "well then why are we calling a cab when you are going to be able to drive? "I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

We left the apartment and got out of the building, it was a cold night so I wished that the taxi wouldn't be late.

Thankfully my mental wishes came true, the cab arrived perfectly on time and we got in.

I told the driver the address and he nodded and started driving.

It was a pretty silent drive since me and Neymar didn't really special and the driver was focused on the road.

We reached the club and I gave the driver the money and we got out.

Today I was glad that we made peace with each other but for some weird reason I couldn't stay away from her and I needed to taste her lips again even if that's the last I'm going to do, I felt quite heart broken when she agreed but I couldn't do anything about it.

We waited at the entrance and some tall guy came out, he was wearing black suit and he looked like a body guard.

"Bonsoir "Eliana said showing her wrist to him and grabbing my hand with her other hand.

I looked closely at her wrist when I finally noticed a small mark on it. It looked like a Ying yang sign but I wasn't sure.

"entrez madame "he finally smiled and she shot him a smile and pulled me in with her.

"Hey guys "she almost yelled because the music was awfully loud.

"Hey, ohhh who is he? "they asked all excited to see me, by the looks on their faces they already knew who I was so I was confused when they asked her that.

"They mean what you are to me?"she said in my ear and I nodded.

"He is a friend "she smiled and I followed her example.

"I need a drink "she said getting up and headed towards the bar.

Soon I was getting impatient and I decided to search for her.

I finally found her talking to the bar tender and she gave him a kiss at his cheek, at that moment I felt my blood boil so I went over to them and grabbed her hand and pushed some people to find the restroom.

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