The ball- I want to know-part 2

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3rd person PoV~
Naruto and Sakura walked out of the ballroom and walked until they reached a stone pathway.
"Why did we stop?" Sakura asked.
"I'll show you." Naruto replied "walk on the middle path Sakura chan" he informed her. She walked closely beside him admiring the twilight. The sky was painted in a beautiful orange laced with a pink around the edges and slight dusts of blue filled the cracks and spaces.
"Look at the stone tablets. First the one on the right then the one on the left. " Naruto suddenly said. Sakura looked at the stones for a few seconds observing them carefully and looking at the names written to see if she could recognise anything.
"They seem to the names of persons from your family carved in the stones" she said still staring at them.
"They are the names of the couples in my family. The stones date back to ten generations before" Naruto said casually.
"That's cool." Sakura said looking at all of the names on the tablets." This one has your parents' names on it" pointing to the 5th stone on the right.
"Yeah" Naruto said standing behind her. "And mine and yours are supposed to be over here" he gestured to the stone on the opposite side.
Sakura looked at him a bit shocked but her face was tinted pink with embarrassment.
Naruto started carefully carving his name into the soft stone tablet on the left. "Your turn" he said "just write Sakura uzumaki under my name" Naruto said blushing. This made Sakura feel way more embarrassed causing her face to turn crimson.
She wrote it anyway.

"So how did you like the dance?" Naruto asked a bit nervous.
"It was really fun. Meeting your friends and parents and it was really modern. I liked that part especially since I knew most of the songs." Sakura replied.
"Good to hear. " he said almost as if he was in some other world.
"What's wrong?" Sakura asked.
"What do you mean?" Naruto asked

Naruto's PoV~
Dammit. She caught on.
"You seem rather spaced out. Like if something is bothering you. Maybe...something that you don't want to happen or it worries you. You could tell-" I cut her off.
"Something is bothering me..." I said
"You can tell me if you want to. But if you don't want to right now then that's ok" she said sincerely with a sad glint in her eyes.
We were walking further into the garden at this point so I instantly caught eye of one of the benches. I walked to the bench and sat with Sakura chan following my actions.
"It's just the whole "wedding" thing that I'm bothered about. It's not fair to you nor to Kiba. None of us that are involved anyway. It's just that I don't want to marry hinata. I don't hate her or anything it's just that... Well....." I ranted my opinion.
"Daījobū(it's alright)"Sakura said "I know how you feel to some extent but don't let it bother you. Maybe you guys could figure out some way to annul the marriage or something like that.." She stated calmly.
"You know that's actually a really good idea" I said after I thought about it.

Sakura's PoV~
"But what if Hiashi doesn't let us. What if he wants me and hinata to have children" Naruto started to stand while he stated the possibilities of failure. "I don't want children with hinata. I want to be with you Sakura chan" he held his head low.
"Naruto..."I whispered
"I don't wanna be with her..." He kept mumbling. I stood up from my position on the bench and walked over to Naruto. I placed my hand on his shoulder and said his name.
He turned to face me. In the process he buried his face in my shoulder and held me in a tight embrace. "I'm sorry." I said.
"You aren't the one to blame. If I didn't propose in the first place I wouldn't be in this."
"Don't say that. You did it to get money for the club."
"Yeah but in the process I met you and dragged you into my world of constant hurt-"
"Stop right there. You did not do that. If I wanted to stay away from you I could have pushed you away. I know the type of person you are and that's why I love you."
"Thanks Sakura chan"
"Don't worry about it." I replied.
After that little episode we went back to the mansion and stayed the night in Naruto's room. The next morning we left so that I could get back to start packing since college started about a week from now.
Hey guys! Sorry for the late update but you know the usual....SCHOOL, extra curricular activities as well as other important stuff. But I will try to update the story as much as possible maybe an update every week or every other week(Comment how often you would like the updates).
Also I'm going to start another Narusaku fanfic when I'm almost done with this one.
It's current name is "Narusaku fanfic- flashing lights and music" it has not been published as yet but I will give you info about it as I update this book.
Comments and votes are appreciated.
P.S hope ur enjoying the book so far.
--love moody ^_^ ~~~~

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