Chapter 4 - the party

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Sakura's pov~
It's been three days since I've talked to Naruto. Hope he talks about the kiss tonight.
I was just finishing up on dressing. I wore a royal blue dress with a beaded bodice and black heels along with a diamond bracelet as an accessory. (A/N in the media).
I can't believe I didn't even think about Ryuu when I was kissing Naruto. That's not right and naruto doesn't even know about Ryuu . *sigh*
Naruto's PoV~
I was getting dressed. I wore a black jeans,white tee with racer in black and a pair of black sneaks.(A/N also in media). It was 10 to 8 and it took 15mins to get to sakura chan's house. I grabbed the box that contained her birthday present and shoved it in my pocket. It was a necklace with a pendent shaped like a bike and diamonds as the middle of the rims.
Sakura's PoV~
The doorbell rang so I quickly made my way down the stairs. When I opened the door I was greeted by ayato and aiya. "Hey saku-hime" ayato greeted along with aiya who said "konichiwaa sakura" "konichiwaa ayato,aiya" I replied as I invited them into the house. Earlier I made sure to lock my room door and my parents room Cuz for sure there are gunna be drunk teens here and some really stupid people and those rooms I don't want them to be a wreck especially my parents room Cuz I would be dead. About 5 mins later everyone was filing in.
"Hey sakura-chan" someone said as they wrapped there arms around me. Naruto I thought. "Naruto?" I questioned
"yeah" he replied."could we talk about the kiss?" He asked
"Yeah I guess" I replied "but we're in public" I said in a low tone
"Stage it" Naruto said in a duh tone "can I have this dance?" Naruto then asked in a sweet voice
"Of course my dear" I giggled
Naruto PoV~
I took sakura chan to the dance floor. Sakura wrapped her arms around my neck while i placed mine around her waist. I started talking cuz I figured it would be uncomfortable for sakura chan to start first.
"Sakura chan I have feelings towards you and I know that they aren't feelings like friendly or sibling like feelings but it doesn't matter if you have the same feelings towards me." I ranted
"Actually I do have the same type of feelings towards you but I'm not sure if we can even have a relationship because of our different lifestyles and the fact that-" sakura chan was saying but she was cut off. This raven haired walked up to us and was standing behind sakura chan. He put his hand on sakura chan's shoulder. She flinched at the touch. Then he said her name in a cold emotionless voice. What the hell did he think he was doing coming to sakura chan and speaking to her..?
"Ryuu-kun?" Sakura chan asked surprised. Who the hell is he? He looks like the ones that are the popular guys in high school and then act like jerks to everyone. Sakura untangled her hands from around my neck a do released my grip from around her just i case I needed to teach this jerk a lesson.
"This is Ryuu uchiha my boyfriend." Sakura chan introduced the raven haired selfish looking jerk. "And this is Naruto namikaze a friend of mine and Hinata-chan's fiancé"
Sakura chan introduced me as her friend well that hurt but I guess she couldn't say her soon to be boyfriend when she is with a douchebag like "Ryuu uchiha" I hate him already.
Sakura chan sent me an apologetic glimpse so I softened my expression.
Sakura's pov~
Tonight's going to be tense now. Why could Ryuu just not stay away for the rest of my dance Naruto. I guess that's normal always interrupting whenever I am with one of my friends. Possessive much.
"Can I have your attention please?!" Someone shouted across the room. I recognised the voice as Aiya's. What's she going to do now?
"I'll be showing a slideshow of pictures from my times with sakura and pics of her with other friends of hers as her birthday present."
She started the slideshow. Some of the pics reminded me of of some seriously funny moments and awesome days. There were few pictures of me and Ryuu -kun. Everyone including me and sometimes Naruto because he scowled at the pics of me and Ryuu -kun were laughing and smiling at the photos until this one pic came up on the screen. It displayed Ryuu -kun kissing another girl with literally no space between them and it's not like it was taken before we were together but only a month after we got together. I wanted to believe the picture wasn't real but everyone could see it was real because everyone gasped at the sight. I needed to get away from here now before I start to look like an emotional wreak. My room I'm gunna go to my room. I started to make a run for it. I heard someone following me but I didn't bother looking to see if it was Ryuu or not. I don't wanna see him anyway. "ALL OF YOU GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" I shouted. I heard murmuring but everyone made their way out of the house. I fell to my knees crying while trying to get my key from in the plant pot next to my room door so I could unlock it and go in.
Naruto pov~
I knew that jerk was no good. How could he do that. And that girl that put on the slideshow is wicked Cuz she was laughing silently right before that disgusting
picture showed and while it was showing. Sakura chan ran upstairs I guess running away from the crowd. I decided to follow her. She's gunna need someone to be with her. She shouted at everyone before she got up the stairs so they would get out of  her house. Sakura chan fell to the floor crying while rummaging through the plant pot for something. "Damn you key. Where are you?" She quarrelled. I reached her and slowly bent down to her level embracing her and letting her fall into my lap. I found the key in the plant pot while trying to soothe sakura chan but I guess she was really hurt. Can't blame her that teme was supposed to love her and I guess she loved him which in my opinion wasn't worth it. He's such a teme. I carried sakura chan into her room after I unlocked the door. I let her sit in my lap while she still silently cried with her head buried in my chest, hands gripping my shirt as if she let it go she would die and curled like a baby. My hands gently ran up and down her back while I whispered sweet nothings to soothe her eventually trying a few jokes about that jerk which seem to do the trick. After sakura chan stopped crying she just continued to grip my shirt and kept her face hidden in my chest.
"Gomene Naruto" she said
"Daijobu Sakura chan" I replied
"Not really" she countered
"Why?" I questioned
"Because I made your shirt wet and I made you stay here with me and you had to see me looking like an emotional wreak."
"That's nothing Sakura chan. It's really ok. I don't mind cuz I just don't." I casually replied.
She just let out a slight chuckle at my response. "I almost forgot. I'm such an idiot." I said.
"Nani?" Sakura chan questioned.
"This..." I replied retrieving the wrapped parcel from my jeans pocket handing into Sakura chan after.
"Sugoi!" She exclaimed when she say the necklace "it's beautiful.." Sakura chan said adoring the necklace she now held in her hand.

Sakura's PoV~
"Sugoi!" I exclaimed when I saw the necklace Naruto just gave me  "it's beautiful..." I complimented as I observed the necklace in my hand. It was a silver chain with a silver motorcycle pendent attached. The middle of the rims of the bike had small diamonds. It looks so expensive. "Arrigatoū Naruto." I thanked him.
"Wanna put it on?" He asked casually.
"Yeah" I replied " could you help me with it" I asked him
"Sure" he took the necklace from my hands and placed it gently around my neck. His touch sending warm shivers down my spine. "There" Naruto said when he was done.
"Arrigatoū" I said once again. "Could you hand me my phone" I asked Naruto.
"What are you gunna do?" He asked suspiciously while he took my phone from my desk ever so slowly.
"Erase that piece of garbage from my life." I truthfully told him
"But you may feel different about it later Sakura chan so don't do that just yet.." Naruto tried to reason with me.
"Nope"I stubbornly replied. "I'm doin it and I'm doin it now and there's another one I've gotta erase too" I added
Naruto let out heavy sigh and passed me my iPhone. "I guess it can't be helped" I said helplessly.
"Exactly" I triumphantly said.
I deleted and blocked aiya and Ryuu from all off my social medias and my contacts. I didn't even wanna see them or talk to them. Those pieces of trash that just came to break me. Well imma rub it their faces. You didn't break me bakas. Shannaroū.

End of chappie hope u guys liked it.
I'll try to do the next chappie soon I just had writers block and I had some other stuff that I had to do.
Probably by tmr or sometime next week you will get the next chapter. Until then keep safe
Janee minna ✌️💚💛

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