Chapter 6 - flashback pt 1

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Naruto's pov~

I was getting ready to go to sakura chan's house but I had to make a stop at hinata's house because we are supposed to go on a date. The thing that has me laughing at her dad is the fact that he can't recognise we are never on the dates he arranges. Hinata goes with her boyfriend kiba inuzuka when we're supposed to be out and I hang out with sakura chan. Hiashi doesn't even know hinata has a boyfriend. She said that he always used the fact that he had business or that he had something to do whenever hinata tried to tell him and I doubt she is telling a lie about that. She been with him since two months before this arranged marriage thing came about. I wish this wasn't happening but I need the club to get the money.

I stepped out of my apartment and the nice end of August air blew gently through my hair. During August I get a lot of sad memories it's like the month were everything that's not enjoyable happens. It just brings back everything to my memory and usually I would be sulking but I decided to make this August different.


I was completing my packing for my trip to konoha. I couldn't drive there even though it took only 2 hours because they were doing changes to the highway that connected all of Japan. My flight was going to be an hour long. I was going to konoha to join the konoha motor club Cuz I signed a contract to join. I was 17 at the time. My mom wasn't exactly for the idea but compromised because it's what I wanted. I wasn't exactly interested in university but I had a huge interest in music and anything with business or math I could do. I told my mom I'd go the prestigious university in konoha while I was there. I started online already and I was almost done my math major but I was doing my music major in konoha. My dad,mom and little siblings went with me to the airport. My brother, fuuta, was not fond of me leaving but I couldn't satisfy his want. He was 12 at the time. And my lil sis, Aayame wasn't exactly fond of my leave either but I couldn't stay with or take my 10 year old sis with me. My mom wouldn't let go of me at boarding time. I remembered her say that she wanted to see a girl with me the next time I came home and not to come home with someone I didn't think was the one. I tried aimlessly to gently pry my mom from her bone crushing hug that held me. My dad eventually helped me with my futile efforts and my mom released me.

-End of flashback-

Another thing that made my leave more saddening is the fact that my grandad from my dad's side had died just a month before I left for Konoha  and I had not gotten over it yet. I heard that fuuta and Aayame took it the hardest. They became cold according to our parents but I heard they loosened up a bit after about 2 months or so. I adhered to my mom's statement but never brought home a girl because I hadn't found  the one. My dad would tease about it but I never cared what he said. But now I've found the one. My parents already approved but my mom was desperate to see the one I chose. Sigh my mom and her love obsession. I was going to tell sakura chan today when I went over. I decided to walk instead of take my bike because I had to go to Hinata's anyway. I started my journey just clearing my mind of all,the sad memories that clouded my mind.

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