Chapter 25

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Hey Guys!!! Just really wanted to say that the next super long chapter will be at 2.5k reads!! Anyway see you guys at the end!!
-Ally <3

---Aphmau's Pov---

As soon as i broke the portal it made a huge boom and launched me gripping on the edge of the cliff. But the portal was broken. Empty obsidian. No way out for Zane. "YOU IDIOT!! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?!" I smirk as i pull myself up. "I just removed your way out Zane" Im almost up when i feel a sharp pain in my arm. "GAH!" I see blood run down my arm and i let go of the cliff with that hand. Trying to hold on i try to climb through the pain and i successfully got up. "YOU WONT GET AWAY WITH THIS JESSICA!!!" I look up tears in my eyes. I pull out my sword and get into a fighting stance. The pain isnt even there anymore, just a burning hate for Zane."MY NAME IS APHMAU YOU ASSHOLE!!!" I never swore. Not when i saw some of the dark things from my past, not when i almost died. Never.
"JESSICA HOW DOES IT FEEL TO GET SOME OF YOUR MEMORIES BACK HUH?!?! IT MUST HURT EY?! BUT NOT AS MUCH AS ITS GOING TO!!" I feel a slice at my neck. "ZANE!! I HAVENT EVEN GOT STARTED WITH HOW MUCH I HATE YOU!!!" I see him try to slash my side and hit the sword making him drop it. "Aph...mau?" I hear Garroth's voice. way in Irene that would happen. "Im sorry Aphmau, Zane is innocent. It was me trying to kill you. Im the Ohkasis Lord's first born son. I looked at a picture and thought you werent good enough. I tried to kill you as Zane. Heh hes actually a pretty good guy. Anyway Jessica...." I step back. I see Garroth walk towards me, with tears pouring out of my eyes. " Garroth. No w..way..." "Sorry Jess.." I suddenly get angry and even more sad. "ITS APHMAU!! STEP UP TO ME AND YOU LOSE YOUR ARM." I breathe in deeply, and run away.

---Garroth's Pov---

I know when people say when their hearts are broken that it hurts. I thought it was a joke, but my heart physically hurts. Like if you broke my leg. That much pain. "Laurence have you found a way to get in?" He shakes his head and i turn to Dante. "There is a werewolf that specializes in this stuff but she isnt here right now. When she is ill tell you." I nod and worry even more. Oh no.... please no! She cant be locked in the nether with Zane.... NO!! WE HAVE TO HELP HER! Boldolf walks in worridly. "What happened? I heard a big boom." A few tears slipped out of my helm when i stepped forward. "Aphmau.....shes stuck in the nether with Zane. She saved Laurence, but locked herself in the nether instead." Boldolf looks at me like he just got stabbed. "We have to go in there somehow. She truly is a direct descendant, and everyone wants to kill her. If shes stuck in the nether its going to be very hard to get her out." I nod, a few more tears falling out of my helm. I look down but instead see Boldolf's claws. Are his claws.... bloody?? "Boldolf?" He looks at me. "Are your claws bloody?" He sighs, looking like he regrets what he did. "When Aphmau first entered my cave my anger took over. I yelled that there were no humans aloud. She said that she needed to ask me something. I ran towards her..." I hear a quiet mumble and look behind me to see Laurence with his hands in fists. "...... and i clawed her. Launching her across the cave. I felt really bad once I found out shes a dir....." "YOU JERK!!!!" I look behind me to see Laurence pull out his emerald sword, and sprinting towards Boldolf. We try to stop Laurence but he dodges our arms. "HOW DARE YOU HURT APHMAU!!!!" He attempts to swing his sword at Boldolf but he got hit with the Alpha's huge claws and launches across the cave. Dante runs over to Boldolf to try to make him stop fighting and I do the same but to Laurence. "Guys stop!! We all want to save Aphmau!!" Everyone turns and looks at me, while Laurence stands up. "You dont understand Garroth. Ive never felt this way before, for anyone. She saved me from the nether and now shes stuck. I shouldnt have talked to her that night." I give him a death glare through my helm. "Garroth? Laurence?" We both turn towards Dante. "Didnt she kill Zane?!" We both nod. "Hes a shadow knight or something." I nod and turn back to Laurence. "Laurence I need to talk to you." He nods looking confused. I take off my helmet and walk out of the cave towards the forest. "Whats wrong Garroth?" I look at him worridly. "If Zane made you look bad... cant he make anyone else look bad??" He looks down. "I dont know Garroth. Its just the more reason to find her faster." I nod. "I have an amulet i can use to call Zenix. Hes not going to be happy about this... not at all." He shakes his head. "Garroth... hes going to want to kill me right? I dont think hes going to understand as quickly as you and Dante. Even Dante wanted to kill me before he understood." Hmph I did too. "And whats worse, is that whole time he was doing that to her i was watching. It was horrible, seeing her terrified, seeing her being stabbed by Zane.... Garroth it hurt so much." Tears fall out from his face as he looks up. "Knowing that she thought it was me killed me even more, i thought becoming a shadow knight would help just made it worse." I see him gulp.
"Laurence, im getting her out of there no matter what..."

Alrighty guys!!! Im looking for a new cover so I would love for you guys to draw something from the book!! Im also thinking that I may add another character but from your guy's choice!! Just comment if you would like me to do that!! Anyways im going to go finish my frap and work on another chapter!

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