Chapter 10

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A/N Sorry guys last chapter was a MAJOR cliffhanger. Like Aphmau's past was about to be said and then i was being evil and i said TO BE CONTINUED. Ugh i feel like Zane. Well whatever. Into the Chaptaaa.

---Aphmau's Pov---

"I got knocked out once when i was admiring Scaleswind, and i awoke in what i think was the nether. Wether or not i was i dont know. There was alot of fire and lava and what i think looked like an alter. It was this obsidian rectangle thing. There was this guy... He had a mask on and was just i guess trying to save me. I got out of the portal and then it suddenly broke..... Garroth i dont want them to take me again." I start bawling. I hug my knees and put my head down. "Oh my Irene Aphmau im so sorry...." After that he walked up and hugged me. Im a little suprised but i hug him back. "Garroth i dont wanna live forever... i dont wanna become that.... Those things. I dont wanna kill people Garroth!!!"

---Garroth's Pov---

"I Dont Wanna Kill People Garroth!!!!" If this was any other moment i would be blushing like a tomato, but the love of my life is sad. Shes sad. Shes scared. Ill help her. "Th...Thats when i got the fever Garroth. Thats when everything got worse." She cries even harder. Right now its just me and her crying, and hugging. "Shhh its alright Aphmau. Your not going back, we wont let you go back." She hugs me tighter. "Thank you." We stand there for over 5 minutes and i dont want it to end. "M..m..may we have that tour of the village now Garroth?" I look at her... and she smiles. Right away i smile. "Lets go Lady Aphmau." We get Thorgi and grab her crutches. "Lets introduce you to everybody." "I wont wear my helmet Garroth but i think you should. You are a guard after all." I grab my armor and helm and we head out. "First lets head over here.. this is Zenix's house."

~~~After The Tour~~~

---Zenix's Pov---

I finally arrive from Meteli. Aphmau's gonna be so happy that she doesnt have to sleep on the floor. I also bought her a charm bracelet with one charm. A charm that has an A and Z. Basically for us being reunited. I also bought something for Garroth to give to Aphmau because her birthday is comin up. Its a eagle signaling his bravery. Its supposed to remind her when they met. I wonder if he's ever going to be man enough to admit his feelings for Aphmau. Haha no way. He may be brave but hes always nervous. I start laughing. I walked up to Garroths house with Dale and Laurance. Carrying her well unmade bed. "Gosh Zenix... i dont even know her. Is she even as important as you say she is." Dale doesnt know her like me and Laurance does. No wonder hes doubting. I was about to answer him but Laurance beats me to it. "Dale... just wait, you will understand once you meet her. She may save the world one day." Dale looked at him in confusion then sighed "Laurance you say that about every pretty girl." Then i butted in. "Dale this time hes actually being serious. Shes the only descendant of Lady Irene thats still alive." His eyes widen. "Ar..are you serious???" Me and Laurance both nod. "Wow." I knock on Garroths door and he opens it a few seconds later. "Hello guys your welcomed in. Lady Aphmau is using the restroom so Laurance you go and start building the bed in my room. Ill be right up there to help." Laurance nods then starts heading upstairs with the bed."Dale, you and Zenix keep Aphmau busy. She doesnt know that we are building it yet. Plus she would like to meet you Dale." We both nod and he starts walking up the stairs. "Garroth wait." I want to give him the charm. He stops and i head over and show him the bracelet and charm. "Im giving Aphmau this. Shes been through alot and i want to make her feel better." "Thats smart... whats that eagle one for then." "Its for you to give to her. Aphmau's birthday is in a week. You will definitely earn a hug from her." "Oh..oh...uh..yeah..yeah thanks... thanks Zenix." I elbow him and mouth good luck. He walks away and i see Aphmau with Thorgi walk up to me an Dale. "Oh um hello Miss Aphmau my name is Dale." "Hi my name is Aphmau! Call me Aph though. Its my nickname!!" He smiles then kisses her hand. "Hey Zenix!!" I pick her up then spin her around. "How yah doin Girlie!!" "Oh my Irene!! Zenix i told you not to call me that!!" We laugh then she goes into the fridge to grab some bacon. She puts it into the microwave and takes it out and puts it in Thorgi's food bowl. "Thanks for helping me out today boy" She pets him then crutches to the table and sits down. "What are you guys doin here?" "Bad news Aphmau... they arent getting the beds until tomorrow but until then i bought you this bracelet." Her eyes widened and her smile just made the whole room shine. "For...for me??" "Yeah here." I put it on her wrist. "The charm is to represent when we reunited." She starts crying,"Thank you so much Zenix" She comes over and hugs me. Just after she let go Garroth and Laurance walked down the stairs. "What are you guys doin here?" "SURPRISE" All of us yell. Garroth nods at Laurance and he says "The bed did arrive today. We were just upstairs making it." "Oh My Irene thank you all so so so much!!" She goes around to hug everyone. Even Dale though she just met him. "I appreciate you all so very much!!" Then she yawns and Garroth made one of the most horrible 'flirts' That ever existed. "Well look over here. We got Sleeping Beauty." She looks over at Garroth like an Are-You-Feeling-Ok look. Everyone else in the room just smacked their foreheads. Even Thorgi put his tounge back in his mouth. It was silent for like 3 minutes when Aphmau broke the silence. "Oh..uh..ok im going to uh... head to bed. Thanks for everything once again everyone. She looks over at Garroth again awkwardly and walks upstairs. Once she goes into the room i decide to have a nice civilized conversation with Garroth.... "GARROTH WHAT KIND OF FLIRT WAS THAT?!? ARE YOU TRYING TO STAY IN THE FRIENDZONE?!?!?!" "Goodnight fellas." He walks upstairs. "Guys... we need to seriously help him.
What A Failed Love Moment.

Yep i made the chapter a TO BE CONTINUED was so i can make a failed love moment. Yeah... thats it.... not because i wanted to eat..... yeah.... thats why......hopefully you still... uh love me.... well thanks for reading guys!!
-Ally <3

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