Chapter 9

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---Aphmau's Pov---

I wake up to smell eggs and bacon. I sit up to notice that thorgi isnt by me. No duh he isnt here. He probobly smelled the bacon. I grab my crutches and walk to the kitchen. Seeing Garroth with Thorgi. Didnt Garroth say he took the day off? Why is he wearing his helm? I get juttered out of my thoughts when Garroth said "Good Morning Lady Aphmau" "Thanks Garroth. I see Thorgi has taken a liking to you." I laugh and so does he. "Or he just wants some bacon." He grabs two plates and two forks. He sets the table while im petting Thorgi. "You hungry Lady Aphmau?" "You know what? I actually kind of am." I lean my crutches on the wall. "Hey Thorgi can you help me get to the table?" He barks then leans up against me. "May i help you Lady Aphmau?" I look up to see Garroth with his hand in front of me. I smile. "Thanks Garroth" He gets next to me and i lean on him. We get to the table and he pulls the chair out. "Thats very nice of you!" He grabs the pan of eggs and puts it on the plates. "Hey Thorgi" I wanted him to eat too. "Can Thorgi have some bacon?" I stare at Garroth with puppy eyes and he laughs. "Fine Fine i cant argue with those eyes!" We both laugh as i say "Thorgi hand me your food bowl." He brings it over and Garroth puts bacon in it. "There you go Thorgi" He sits down and apparently his helmet has a mouth area so he starts eating. I do the same. In between bites i really wanted to ask the question. "Hey Garroth... will you tell me why you always have your helmet on?" He takes off his helmet and i notice that hes actually kinda cute. APH NO! YOU HAVE OTHER THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT..Like Scaleswind.

---Garroth's Pov---

I knew this was coming. I guess its only fair though that i tell her. Speaking that she told me. She didnt say everything Garroth... you know that. "Lady Aphmau.. remember how you were forced into marriage by the first born son of Okhasis?" I know i shouldnt have worded it like that because i can see the tears in her eyes. She frowns, looks down, then nods. "I had to do the same. I had to marry a lords first born i just met." She looks up crying, then i do. Not because of my past... No no no. Because her crying broke MY heart. " so sorry Garroth. You dont have to say anymore... I understand, more then you know." She starts crying harder. I stop crying and smile. "I forgot to tell you something Aphmau!!" She looks over still crying. "First off Zenix is heading over to Meteli to get you a bed. Well and Thorgi of course." She stops crying and smiles. That smile made every single bit of sadness from my past go away that single second. "R..r..really?!" "Yes second off the reason i was late yesterday was because i went over to the clothes shop to buy you some outfits and dresses." She grins even more. "They are in my room in a white bag." "Thanks So Much Garroth!!!" Thorgi walks up and starts licking me. Me and Aphmau start laughing really hard. "Ill be right back! Im gonna get changed out of this bloody dress." She smiles and any doubts that i had in my mind that i didnt love her are gone. I Love Lady Aphmau. "Alright ill wait here." She leans up against Thorgi to get to my room. After about 6 minutes she comes out with a beautiful crop top and short white shorts. She was wearing white sandles with purple jewels on it. Her hair was on her shoulders with a purple flower on it. Oh. My. Irene. Shes the most beautiful woman on this e... "Garroth can you help me with something??" I jump then realise she looks concerned. "Whats wrong Lady Aphmau?" "First of all can you help me wrap up my cut leg? I dont want it to start bleeding again." "Of course Lady Aphmau." I walk up to her and she leaned on my shoulder. Thorgi on her other side. We walk to my bathroom and i sit her down on the counter. "Let me go get some wrap." I go into the cabinet and grab some. "Here you go, be wary though it might hurt while i wrap it." She nods and i start wrapping. "Ow" "Im sorry Lady Aphmau but we did finish. Would you like a tour of the town?" She smiles. "Lets go."

---Aphmau's Pov---

"Lets Go" He smiles then puts me down from the counter. "Let me grab my crutches then we will be off." I lean up against him and Thorgi until we get back to the dining table. "Here we go!" I grab my crutches then start to leave. I put my helmet on and he doesnt..... but he turns to me. "Hey Aphmau? I have another idea. Do you mind today we just get to know eachother today instead of a tour?" Oh no. "Uh yeah sure." I take of my helmet and i put it next to the sink. He walks me to the table and we just sit. "So did you want to know something about me Garroth? "Um yes actually." He sighs. "This morning, you asked about my helm right?" I nod knowing where this was going. "I know you have the same reason but... i know theres something else." He suddenly looks worried. "Oh.. um.. of course only if you want to" "Its fine. I guess i should tell someone. Even Zenix doesnt know. Its actually kinda scary. You know how you guys said i cant become a shadow knight?" He nods and i start crying. "I got knocked out once when i was admiring Scaleswind. And.....

A/N Sorry for massive cliffhanger. Next chapter is goin up soon. I swear. Expect it in the next 2 hours or so. Alright guys love you all!!
-Ally <3

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