Chapter 15

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I rush around, trying to get everything in my morning routine done before school. I woke up later than usual, trying to make up for lost time.
I shower, brush my teeth, do my minor amount of makeup, and get breakfast. I manage to make it to the bus on time with Nicole.
The bus ride is always long, so I get as comfortable as possible and sit by the window. I think about my daily routine, and how strange it will be with this new addition to it- Marcus. I check my bag and make sure I finished all my homework, then slip my attention back to the window. My puffy sweater with little cats all over it paired with some black leggings and those short tan boots seem to sum up my day. It's a testing day. My teachers decide it's a great time of the year to plan all their exams on the same day. I know I'll be fine, I simply worry for all my friends who will be begging me for answers. I purposely sigh out loud at the thought, and slouch my position.
A few minutes go by, and I feel someone slump into the seat. About to tell them off, I turn around to see that it's Marcus. He looks frustrated, cursing at something. His head jerks towards the window. He notices me, almost taking a double take. He nudges my shoulder with a lighthearted smile. I can't help but smile back, and I move my bag as well as myself nearer to the window.
"Hey, sleepyhead. How are you this morning?"
"Tired, like you said," I say. He doesn't talk to me during the ride. Out of habit, I put my hand on the seat and push my knees up against the back of the seat in front of me.
Marcus notices my hand, moving his next to mine. He cautiously inches his hand near mine. I feel bad for him, so I flip his hand over and slide mine into his. Like a perfect fitting glove. We sit there in silence, his face visibly red and his eyes fill with joy. I can't imagine his thoughts, all I know is that it feels amazing to hold his hand knowing he wants to hold mine, too.

As we pull up to the school, the bus sits patiently until it's time to let us off.
He squeezes my hand, and I look up. "Your hand is so small. It fits perfectly in mine," he says, smiling down at our embraced limbs.
He sits up, facing more towards me, "You know, you're in my math class. And P.E.."
"You know, I did not know that."
"Well, it's true."
"That's great," I say with a lilt of sarcasm in my voice. I don't need distractions, but I guess I don't mind this one.
He looks back down at our hands. His is red and shaky, while mine is loose and comfortable.
"Is something wrong?" I interupt, his head lifting a little to meet my eyes. He doesn't make full eye contact, as if I'd turn him to stone.
He lays his head on the back of the seat, "You make me nervous, is all."
I giggle a bit, "You drive me insane." He smiles at this, and his hand turns a lighter shade of pink. He seems to relax more, and he stares at me with a goofy smile.
When the bus spits out the load of zombies, Marcus- still holding my hand- leads me off the bus and around the back of the building. There are still doors, but he takes me to what appears to be a secret nook. He lifts me up onto the higher platform, and boosts himself up as well.
"What are we doing here? I can't be late to-"
"I know, just trust me," he says, stretching his hand towards me. I hesitate to grab it, but I do. He leads me farther into the little nook.
Abruptly, he turns around, releases my hand, and gently wraps his hands to cradle my face. His thumbs stroke my cheeks, while his finger lay loosely in my hair. He stands there, absorbed in some thought while staring deeply into my eyes. I can't tell what he's thinking, but his hands feel warm and safe.
"How I met someone so amazing," he mumbles softly, "and got to kiss her, too? It's honestly beyond me how I got so lucky." His lips move slowly. He pauses, scanning my face. I smile slightly, and he does, too.
"I don't understand," he continues, "how after a day with someone could make you fall in love."
"To be honest, I couldn't tell you," I whisper back, "because I don't get it either." He smiles at this, moving his hands down my arms to my hands. He carefully places his hands on my hips, steps forward, and stops. His looks from his hands to my face, tilting his head, almost to see if what he's doing is okay. Since I'm not entirely sure, but I don't mine his gentle sensation, I nod. He starts to move in to kiss me, and I reach my hands for his face. Putting them in the same position he did mine, I pull him closer and we interlock. For was feels like forever, we stand there. When we release our lips, I put my hands to his back and my head to his chest.

Finally, I pipe up, "Hey."
"Hi," he whispers, and by the sound I can tell he's smiling.
"This is great and all, but I think that this is a bit rushed. I want to get a little more time in talking then making out."
"Okay, that's fair."
"Deal?" I look up, resting my chin on his chest.
"Deal," he says, kissing my forehead.
"Also, we need to get to class."
"Okay, let's go get to class then," he removes his hands from my waist and takes my hand. We rush around the building as the final morning bell sounds.

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