Chapter 14

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I shut the door behind me, sliding to the floor with a sigh. Nicole rushes down the stairs at the sound of the door.
She gives me a smurk, "How'd it go?"
"Hold on," I say. I stand up and manage to make my way to the dining room. I sit at the table, a smile plastered from ear to ear. Nicole raises her eyebrow, intrigued.
"What happened! Come on, gimme the scoop!"
"Alright, alright. We talked about everything under the sun in the gym, until about four o'clock. Then he offered to drive me home, or go get fro-yo. So we went and got fro-yo and he acted a little shy and nervous. And then he drove me home."
"That's it?"
"Then what's with the dreamy look in your eyes." She sat for a moment, thinking.
She gasps, "Did he kiss you?!"
I turn my head, hoping my short curls will hide my blushing. The attempt was futile, and she tapped her feet on the floor rapidly, squealing.
"Sh! Are mom and dad home?"
"Nope, not 'til seven," she said, a mischievous look sliding across her face.
"Okay, yeah he kissed me. Big whoop."
"Marcus Lenter kissed my little sister, and she doesn't even care? DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND HOW HUGE THIS IS?!"
"No, I get it. I just don't see why it's such a big deal."
"Tell me everything," she says, putting her hands under her chin and titling her head with interest.
"Fine, but you can't tell mom and dad."
"Sure, whatever."
I explain to her how his hand was near my hip and the way it felt when his lips touched mine. He seemed just as giddy as myself when he finally did it. It seemed like he'd been waiting for the perfect time to do it all day. I told her how he kept inching his way towards me all afternoon, and how it was cute how he kept watching me like I was the best thing that ever happened to him, even though we just met.
"Did he say anything about it being a date or about another time to hang out?"
"No, but he did say it was the first time, so I assume he wants to hang out again."
"Oh my God, this is so great. I'm so proud of you! And, of course he wants to hang out again, he kissed you, dumbass," she pats my hand with enthusiasm before continuing. "Is he a good kisser?"
"Nicole do I really have to-"
"Yes. Yes you do."
"Ugh. Yes he's a good kisser. His lips were soft and perfect and I guess mine were too because he smiled after like it was the best kiss he'd ever had. Considering this was my first kiss I was surprised. Honestly he seemed like he wanted to do that the whole time. It was nice."
"Aw, that's cute- wow, wait. Holy hell, that was your first kiss?"
"You're so lucky, oh my God I hate you." She smiled and we laughed. I guess I did get lucky.

I made my way to my room and flopped onto my bed with a grunt. I tried to hold back when I was with him, but something about the way he let go and was open with me- it was too hard to keep everything together. I just opened up like I'd been his best friend forever, and he did the same with me. I roll over onto my back and close my eyes. I sigh as I recall every little event from the day. I push away my thoughts and grab my backpack. I unzip the flap and pull out my folder. A piece of crumpled paper flutters to the floor. Quickly, I pick it up and unfurl it. On it is sloppy hand writing that says 'Text me, k?' with a number
I lift my head as I smile. I rub my hand over my cheeks, which feel warm. I scratch my chin and let out a sigh of relief. I drop back onto my bed, holding the note to my chest. I feel like a goofball, but I don't care. I fumble for my phone and eagerly type in the number.

After dinner, Nicole and I resort to her room and talk about Marcus for a bit. Sometimes we do this, and the visitor passes out in the others room. I feel this will happen tonight. So we talk until we're too tired to function. I make myself comfortable on the mini couch in her room and drift off with my last thought of the note in my bag.
I feel my lips curl before I fall asleep.

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