Chapter 5

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Aunt Connie sits in the wooden chair across from mine in the middle of the guest room of her house. She sits quiet, shocked, and still with her jaw dropped to the floor.
"I knew it. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" She stands up and starts to skip around the room.
"What did you know, exactly?"
"I knew you had talent, I could see it in you when you were little that'd you have something great buried deep inside you," she squealed, jumping up and down. She took me by the hands and spun me around the room, giggling from her dizziness and excitement. We eventually got tired and sat in our respective seats.
"I still can't believe it," She sighed, staring at me longingly. She looked like she had just been shot but Cupid's arrow and had fallen madly in love with my singing ability.
"I can't believe you liked it. I new I was okay, I didn't think I was worthy of a gleeful game of 'Ring Around The Rosey' with my Aunt good."
Aunt Connie laughed, putting her hands in her pockets and leaning back, "Well, you are amazing. You see, Nicole had been taught from a very young age that she was special and could do amazing things. By the time you came, they had all the talent they needed in their first little girl, they just assumed you'd be fine without the extra encouragement."
"Cleary," I mumbled, almost under my breath but just loud enough to make out.
Aunt Connie tapped me playfully on the knee, " Oh, stop that, you know they love you and can see you doing great things, too."
"Great things. Not amazing things, or spectacular things. Just, great," I said, exasperation heavy in my voice. I rolled my eyes when my aunt gave me a smile that suggested she was right, and you know, she probably is. But I don't believe what is said until I see it for myself. And I know my parents don't see anything in me. They are just pretending thay care because they haven't my whole life and I'm going to move out in a couple years. Trying to make up for 16 years of lost time isn't easy, so I wish them the best.
Aunt Connie reassures me that I'll be alright. She offers me dinner, but I'd rather go to bed and let everything sink in to my pillow as I relieve the stress from the day.

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