Chapter 1

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"Vivian! Let's go! We have stuff to do today!" My sister, Nicole, hurries out of my room, dragging my warm comforter off of my body, sending a wave of chill through my spine.
"What are we doing today exactly?" My voice quakes as I find clean pants in my drawers to slip on to escape the cold in my room. I turn down the A/C and unplug my fan.
"Your father wants to go visit his sister if you don't mind. Come on, take a Pop-Tart to the car with you we have to go!" My mother rushes around the corner, shoving a box at me, "Here, something you ordered delivered this morning. Put it somewhere and let's move."
"Okay, okay. I'll be down in a minute." I shut my door softly behind my mom, only to turn around and start tearing at the box. I quickly change my shirt to the nice, teal crop top that lay neatly in the box. I push the box under my bed and swiftly make my way downstairs and into the car.
"Everyone buckled? I don't need tickets today, alright," my dad jokes as we pull out of the driveway. "Aunt Connie's here we come."

It's a long drive to my Aunt's house, but it gives you a lot of quiet time to think. I sat there on the cold leather seat in the back of my dad's old Toyota, staring out the window. Thinking isn't just thinking, it's like talking to the little voice in your head. A full conversation about anything and everything.
I'm a junior in high school, and my grades are fine, I can keep up with them. I can keep up with a lot of things, and I'm fine with holding down a summer job and I could, um... I'm not very good at talking to boys and I've always wanted a real boyfriend, is what I'm trying to say. It's not easy, you know, living with chronic awkward-itis. I know, a lot of people suffer from it, but not when you've been through all the extremely awkward stages of your life and you still can't handle a simple conversation with an attractive guy. I mean, yeah I can do it and I'm not terrible at it, but it's hard. Plenty of guys have shown a slight interest in me, I'm not hidious and I'm not mean or anything. I have light blue eyes and pale, porslin skin, with freckles dotting around below my eyes. I have black hair that is down to almost my shoulders, and it's a curly mess. My sister, Nicole, has a nice, light, year-round tan and stick straight, long, bleach blonde hair with bright green eyes. Now, I know, we don't sound like sisters at all. There's a reason, my parents have traits like us. My mom has straight black hair with the light tan skin and green eyes, while my dad has the curly blonde hair with pale skin and crystal blue eyes, with freckles under his eyes and over the bridge of his nose. Crazy, I know, but it's true.
Anyways, I've always been self conscious of my body. I shouldn't be because I know I have a great figure but I just can't bring myself to like it. I have wide hips, and I'm pretty flat chested if you catch my flow. It's like a pair shape, but a little smaller. I'm only 5'2", and I can't find my size for anything. I'm skinny, and, if I do say so myself, I look great in any bathing suit. My sister, has the same figure as me, only she is nice and tall. She stopped growing at a whopping 5'7".

I've only ever had one boyfriend, and he didn't last long. He was a great guy, but it was my first boyfriend and I didn't know what I was doing. I was his first real girlfriend, so we were both pretty much on the same page. We are still friends, but it was really an awkward relationship that I wouldn't want to resurface. I have had little crushes here and there, but nothing too great. I've always kinda waited for someone to come to me instead of me initiating anything. I've tried to make a move before, and let's just say it didn't end well.
Now, let's get something straight. I can handle myself, I don't need a boy to make me happy, because I already am happy. It's just a little extra fun, you know?
However, my goal by the end of the school year is to have or have had a boyfriend, and I'm really going to try this time.

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