There's No Professor Here

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 She cringed, watching him punch the floor and crawl to his feet. Hank took off, bounding up the stairs after the intruder with Jax again trailing after him. She watched Hank push off the ground and bounced off the wall, swinging from the chandelier in the upstairs hallway and doing a back flip in the air before he landed on the tall man walking in front of them.

They rolled in the floor, throwing punches groaning when they got hit. Jax hid behind the corner, peeking around to watch the scene before her. Hank picked up the much larger man and threw him on the other side of the staircase that led to a different part of the house, pouncing on him with a loud growl. He grabbed him again and threw him to the bottom of the staircase where the man landed on a table, smashing the vase of roses Jax had put there that very morning. Hank jumped an incredible distance and hung by his feet from the large chandelier above the table, bearing fangs and claws and bellowing another roar.

"What the hell?" Charles put his hands on Jax's shoulders and looked around. "Hank!" Charles shouted over the noise. Jax watched her boyfriend walk down the stairs and followed him. "What's going on here?"

Hank looked at his friend, still hanging from the chandelier. "Professor?" the man on the table asked.

"Please don't call me that." Charles' English accent filled the immediate silence.

"You know this guy?" Hank panted. Charles stood with his back to the sunlight coming from the window above that platform where the grand staircase split two different directions. He was in the same sweatpants he'd been wearing for three and a half days, a whiskey stained undershirt and his blue robe. His hair was an inexcusable mess. 

 "Don't you look smashing, my love." his girlfriend smiled.

"He looks slightly familiar." Charles answered, lifting the empty glass in his hand. "Get off the bloody chandelier, Hank."

"You can walk." the man gasped.

"You're a perceptive one." Charles said sarcastically, stepping down the stairs with Jax.

"I thought Erik..."

"Which makes it slightly complexing that you managed to miss our sign on the way in. This is private property, my friend, I'm going to have to ask him to ask you to leave." Charles at down on the staircase, leaning against Jack's leg.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't do that because, uh... Because I was sent here for you." the man was breathing heavily from his roll with Hank, which brought Jack to wonder how he was still breathing at all.

"Well tell whoever it was that sent you that I'm... busy." Charles looked up at his girlfriend and shrugged.

"That's gonna be a little tricky because the person who sent me was you." the man told him. Now Jax was sure this man was hopped up on something, acid maybe, she thought.

"What?" Charles mumbled. It was too early for him, granted it was about one in the after noon but for Charles at that time, one in the afternoon and six in the morning were the same thing.

"About fifty years from now." he added. Jax crossed her arms over her chest and glanced at Hank, who was just as baffled as she.

"Fifty years from now, like in the future fifty years from now?"


"You want some coffee, mate?" Jax asked, pointing to the kitchen. She thought maybe it would sober him up. Hank and Jax always made sure there was a pot of coffee on just in case they needed Charles to sober up or at least be able to hold a train of coherent thought. He drank completely out of moderation. If he got up at three o'clock in the after noon, he was shit-faced by three-thirty.

"No, I don't need coffee. I thought your thing was tea anyway."

"That's a pretty stereotypical assumption."

"So I sent you from the future?" Charles rubbed his forehead, glancing back up at Jax, who shrugged.


 "Piss off." Charles groaned. 

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