Get Together Part Five

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It's the final countdown!!! Yeah, kinda is! I only have two more short blurbs to do (one of them being the thing that was DELETED!!!) and this chapter will finally be over!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!

Wattpad seems to hate me right now so bare with me.

This is a continuation of the last chapter where I will be attempting to rewrite what was deleted of the last chapter. Expect this to be short. The chapters are going to be shorter but be updated more frequently.


"Alive. He's alive." Mira said as she gently picked up her son and carried him into the house.

Mark, Jane, Andrew, and the droids followed.

"Jane, grab the med-kit from the bathroom. Andrew, can you get me a bucket of water." Mira ordered more than asked as the two scattered off to complete their respective jobs.

"Now," Mira said as she finished adjusting Ezra so he would be more comfortable before she turned to Mark, "What's wrong?"

Mark looked at her, clearly confused, "...Ezra-"

"I know Ezra's hurt, but something is clearly bothering you. Ezra will be fine, he might be unconscious but he has no fatal wounds. We have to wait for the others before we can patch him up." Mira smoothed a piece of hair out of Ezra's eyes, "So, what's wrong."

Mark looked down, "It's my fault." His voice wavered as Mira gently lifted his head.

"Mark, look at me." Mark slowly lifted his eyes to Mira's, "This is not your fault."

Mark averted his gaze once more, his voice wavered as he spoke, "But I'm the reason Ezra was alone! Ezra told Andrew and I why he hated being alone at these things but we were going to be late so I dragged Andrew with me and- and- and-" Mark let out a chocked sob and refused to look at Mira.

Still, Mira gently lifted Marks head so he looked at her, "While I'll admit what you did was foolish, I do not blame you." Mark was about to look down but Mira didn't move her hand, "Mark, your a kid. Kids make mistake. No one expected you to know those men would attack."

Mira moved her hand, Mark averted his gaze but didn't put his head down as Mira continued, "Mark, your a wonderful kid and I'm glad your my son's friend. I've already forgiven you, and I know Ezra will to."

When Mark still refused to be convinced, Mira sighed, "Mark, did you attack Ezra?"

"...No..." Mark said, sounding confused.

"Did you force Ezra to stay behind?" She asked.


"And did you have anything to do with those men wanting to go after my son in the first place?"

"...Not really, I mean they attacked Jane and Ezra fought back, but yeah. No." Mark said, as he looked at Mira curiously, "Why are you asking me this?"

"Because, you did not make those men hurt my son. You are not to blame. Sure, you had a small part to play by leaving my son alone but that's as much of my fault as it is yours." Mira stated.

"... Why are you taking the time to ask me these things when Ezra is injured?" Mark asked.

"Some things require time to heal, but others are better to be dealt with right away. This is one of those things. If you thought you were the cause of Ezra's injuries you would avoid him in fear of hurting him, but you would do just that. It's better this way." Mira smiled warmly, "Jane, Andrew, you can come out now."

Mark's eyes widened and he blushed as Jane and Andrew came into the room carrying their respective items.

Mira got to work on patching Ezra up, even showing Jane how to treat certain wounds. Soon, Ezra was patched up and remained sleeping quietly.

Andrew looked outside, "When do you think Ezra will wake up?"

Mira followed Andrew's gaze to the setting sun, "At this point he's just asleep. He'll wake up tomorrow. You should all head home. It's not safe to travel when it's dark."

"Can't we just sleep over?" Jane asked hopefully.

"Normally I would say of course, but Mark and Andrew's families are on world this week and I've already kept them here long enough." Mira said.

Mark and Andrew groaned and Jane smirked, "Welcome to my world, again. At least your family doesn't attract trouble."

Mira rolled her eyes until she spotted Squeaks, "You should get home, but come over tomorrow when you have the chance. We need to discuss these droids. I thought there was only one."

Mark, Andrew, and Jane looked sheepish as Jane ushered the boys to the door, "Well, goodnight aunt Mira! Call if you need anything!"

"Goodnight!" Mira called as they left. 

As soon as the door slide close, Mira was on her feet and in the next room.

Squeaks rolled after her.

"Oh no." Mira said in a no nonsense tone, "Your staying here." Mira pointed to the spot Squeaks was at before turning into the next room.

Squeaks slowly rolled after her and angled the camera into the room.

Mira stood facing a blank wall. She then reached to she the carpet and wall met, sliding her fingers under the wall and lifting up revealing a secret room.

Mira walked out of Squeaks room for a moment before walking back out carrying an old droid.

Squeaks quickly rolled back to Ezra just as Mira got there.

She eyed him suspiciously, "What did you do?"

She shook her head as she placed the older droid down, turned it on, and gave it a simple order, "Follow them. Make sure they get home safely."

The droid then rolled out of the house.

Mira sighed as she carefully sat down on the couch and adjusted Ezra's head so it was resting on her lap, "Oh Ezra, what am I going to do with you?"

She smoothed his hair down as the front door slid open.

Ephraim walked into the room, his eyes widening when he saw the bandages covering his son.

"What happened?" He asked.

"It's getting worse, apparently he defended Jane and some older men wanted revenge. He's just a kid! What has the Galaxy come to?" Mira asked, tears sliding down her cheek for the first time that night showing how hard it had been to keep everything in.

Ephraim walked over to his wife and hugged her, careful not to disturb his son, "Things will get better." He said before looking away and muttering, "They have to."

Mira wiped her eyes, "How'd it go today?"

Ephraim smiled, "I think I've found an alliance."


The entry still isn't over!!! Ugh, sorry if it sucks or is rushed, I was rewriting what was deleted and I can't remember what I wrote word for word so this'll have to do. I don't want this to be deleted so I'm publishing this part but there shall be more!!!


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