Is she???

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PINEAPPLES as promised...


Find out if Jane is force sensitive. Fluff. Knowledge about Ezra. Friend time.


"Wait... WHAT?" The entire crew, minus Kanan, said so close to being all at once it could have been timed.

"I. Think. Jane. Might. Be-" Kanan started slowly, until Hera interrupted, arms crossed over her chest and clearly not amused. "We all heard you. We meant, why do you think that."

"Thanks for clarifying." Kanan said with a smirk, clearly happy with himself, "she was relatively calm around Ezra when he used the force. And it just kinda seems like it to me."

"Well, how do we know?" Sabine asked.

"I guess by watching another." Zeb says as Chopper beeped and pressed play.

'There is a brief glimpse of Ezra as he runs to the opposite side of the room with Jane. "You'll want to see this." Is all he said as he and Jane started running through the room. "In here, Ez!" Jane called. They ducked into two separate airvents that were still in the line of the pad that could be presumed hidden.

Suddenly troopers come running into the room. "Where are those blasted kids!" One trooper asked as they searched the room. Suddenly the door slammed shut and all the troopers turn to see no one there.

Jane and Ezra begin to make strange noises to scare the troopers off and it worked. Soon they (the troopers) were running away like scared little girls and Ezra and Jane emerged, laughing their heads off.

Suddenly, Mark and Andrew came into the room, laughing just as hard. "THAT was PRICELESS!!!" Mark exclaimed.

"Ez, PLEASE tell me that you got that on video?" Andrew said between laughs.

"You bet!" Ezra said. Adjusting the pad.

"Nice job on the distraction and person less door closing." Jane commented, bright smile on her face.

"Nice trapping in an abandon home and making strange noises." Mark smirked.

"We should probably appologise..." Ezra said straight faced.

It was silent for a moment.

And another moment.

And another.

Then they all broke out in laughter that was sure to have had been heard across town.

"Good one Ez!" Andrew said, wiping tears from his eyes while beaming.

"Yeah, well they probably heard our laughter. So we should probably go." Ezra said laughing.

And the entrie ended with four smiling, young faces looking towards the cameras.'

"AWWWWW!!!!!!" Hera gushed. "They're adorable!"

Zeb facepalmed.

"Just be happy she isn't asking If we can keep them..." Sabine whispers to Zeb, who smirked. Kanan chuckled, showing that he heard.

"Hey!!!" Hera yelled, "I can HEAR you!!!!!!!"

They all laughed, all but one ticked pilot.

"I'm gonna drop you off on a planet one of these times and just flllyyyyyyy far, far away..." Hera muttered, while clicking play.

'Ezra had his tongue out in consentration as he adjusted the datapad. Then moved back into a half circle with Andrew, Mark, Jane, and himself.

"HELLO!!!!!!!"Ezra yelled, throwing his hands in the air. Everyone else smirked.

Star Wars Rebels, Ezra's Force Journal [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now