Vacay? No way!

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Sorry I've been gone forever! This entire thing has had character OOC, not about to stop now! PINEAPPLES!!!XP


Ezra's family goes on a trip across world. And the crew gets an unexpected interruption. 


"Ooh, so close!" Sabine says.

Kanan nods, "I wonder if they we're joining the rebel alliance?"

"Probably," Hera says, picking up the datapad, "I'll ask around and see if anyone has heard of Mira or Ephraim Bridger once we finish here."

With a curt nod, Kanan clicks on the next entry.


'Squeaks blinks to life as Mira enters Ezra's bedroom.

Mira carefully makes her way over to Ezra's side before leaning over and gently shaking his shoulder.

"Ezra honey, I need you to get up now." Mira whispers sweetly.

Ezra moans and rolls over, burying his face in his pillow.

Mira laughs softly, "Come on Ezra, time to get up."

Ezra doesn't stir.

Chuckling and shaking her head in humor, Mira leans to his ear and whispers in a bribing manor, "I have a surprise for you!"

Ezra rolls over, his eyes wide open, "Surprise? What surprise?"

Mira laughs softly, "You'll have to get up to find out!"

Ezra sits straight up, "Up! I'm up!"

"You have to get dressed," Mira says as she walks out of the room, "Come to the kitchen when you're ready!"

As soon as Mira is fully gone from sight, Ezra scrambles around his room comically. Grabbing clothing and pushing toys out of the way in an effort to get changed quicker.

"Be right back, Squeaks!" Ezra says happily as he ducks into his closet only to reappear seconds later, changed, with his clothing on improperly.

Running out to the kitchen with Squeaks rolling behind him, still recording, Ephraim nearly falls out of his chair laughing when he lays his eyes on Ezra.

Ezra stands before him with his shirt on backwards; two legs in one pants hole, the pants desperately needing a belt; a sock on one foot, another in the pocket of his sweatshirt which was hanging off of his arm; a shoe in one hand with the other on the wrong foot; and his backpack strap (supporting his backpack) in his mouth.

"Whaph?" Ezra looks confusedly from Mira, who covers her mouth with her hand to contain her laughter, to Ephraim as he attempts to picks himself up.

"Ezra, do you need some help?" Mira asks, gently pulling the backpack strap out of his mouth and setting the bag on a chair.

Ezra looks himself over, "Nope. I think I'm good." 

He goes to take a step forwards, only to trip and fall on the floor, "Okay, not as good as I thought." 

Ephraim, who finally contained his laughter, helps his son up, "Want to try that again?"



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