Birthdays and Battlefields

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So, I didnt notice that I left my summary of the story up on my last post until after I posted. So I guess I'll make it a mini description thing from now on. It may always contain spoilers. Or not. YAY! PINEAPPLES!!! XD IM gonna be focusing on this story the most for a while, but I will update my other stories. I have so many things I wanna type! But I can't fast enough!!!!!!! Oh well! Pineapple up!!!!!!!


Ezra's fith birthday. Play fighting. Schooling. Vision.


'A sigh. "Ezra, I just CANT do it. I'm not special like you." Jane says, clearly frustrated with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm sure you can Jane." Ezra, who is sitting criss-crossed on the floor, says.

"Look, I think we've done enough today, and I don't feel like you filming me while I'm frustrated-"

"-which is always-" Jane ignored Ezra.

"-Is a good idea. Can we just go to your place already?"

Ezra had his eyes closed and asked cockly, "why? Is it for my suprise birthday party? Or should I say my not-so-suprise birthday party?" Ezra opened his eyes as shock crossed Janes face.

"How did you..." Jane started and Ezra shrugged.

"Apperantly being special includes random mind reading. Weird, right?" Ezra said, a curious look on his face.

Jane sighed, "let's just go..."

Ezra picked up his still recording datapad and followed Jane down the street, "I'll act suprised if you don't tell them that I knew."

Jane bobbed her head in a contemplating manor, "okay, I'm fine with that."

Ezra and Jane walked quietly down the street before muttering, "be convincing." She then took off yelling, "hah! I'm faster than you Ezra! You'll NEVER catch up!"

Ezra rolled his eyes and the pad went out of focus as he ran down the street yelling, "yeah right!"

Jane ran into the house and Ezra didn't slow down. Suddenly the camera in the pad went dead as it was dark.

"SUPRISE!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled a crowd of people as the lights came on to reveal Ezra's home now decorated with colorful streamers.

Even though the camera was lopsided, Ezra's smile was evident.

"Aw! Thanks!" Ezra beamed as a group of kids surround him.

"Happy 'Empire Day' Ezra." Mark said mockingly. It was clear Imperails believed that the party was for Empire day.

Andrew smirked, "Happy birthday, kid."

Ezra scowled, "Thanks old man." Was the taunting reply.

"Ez, is your pad still on?" Jane asked.

"Oh, yeah!" Ezra set the pad up so it took in the room filled with people, his parents, kids, family, friends, Mark, Andrew, Jane, and Himself.

"Well! I'm gonna go enjoy my party! Im sure my parents will record some of it, so bye!" Ezra finished as the screen went black.'


Silence then, "oh my GOSH!!!!!!! He was so CUTE!" From a squealing Hera.

Sabine just rolled her eyes.

"He's perseptive, unless he's distracted." Kanan commented.

"Can you really mind read?" Zeb asked, nervous abut having Ezra and Kanan being able to pick up on his thoughts. No wonder Ezra always knew where his pranks were!

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