Chapter Nineteen Part 20

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May the first was a glorious day. They were all up early, nobody had slept well, especially Lydia, going was a little daunting. She could have the babies any time now. The doctor had said as much. They were not officially due till end of May, but, twins were often born a couple of weeks early....The longer she could keep them, the better it would be for them, but they already had a good size. She was determined to take it easy, so they stayed as long as possible.

At ten am they were all packed into the Cessna, with a hamper, thermos with coffee, and bottles of water. They had it all, Lydia leaned back and relaxed, as the plane roared to life. Lifting them up into the heavens... She could get used to that kind of transport, she thought. The homestead disappeared in the haze, the sun created over the desert. She was as usual transfixed, by the beauty of the land they flew over. Red rocks and purple mountains in the back ground. Little rock pools glinting like jewels......She fell asleep. Leon was watching her, on and off. Happy for her to sleep, she was beginning to look very fragile. Large smudges under her eyes and her cheek bones were more prominent than before. He knew she made light, of the many little pains and aches, she felt. Now the pregnancy was really bothering her, her breathing was affected sometimes. And it was difficult to get comfortable, when sleeping. She bore it so amazingly well.

Grimly he focused on getting there, as soon as possible. Being up in the air was not a good thing, at this point in time..... It was really time for lunch, but he did not want to wake her. She looked so exhausted when sleeping. Better just race on and be in Darwin soon. Mid-afternoon they were circling the landing, of Darwin's new small airport. Lydia had woken up a little earlier, and they had enjoyed the tea, and chicken lettuce sandwiches. Just as well, Leon thought, she was constantly starving, and he thought she had lost weight, except for the baby bump. Her breasts were bigger he knew, but otherwise, all food seem to go to the babies. He sighed, her breasts were so sensitive these days; he hardly dared to look at them. He thought back to their exquisite love making. Then pulled himself back to reality and gently landed the plane.

The car he had hired was waiting near where they landed. He really had to help Lydia. Her legs were puffy and her limbs were stiff. He got her out, and into the car and she sank into the leather seat, with a deep sigh. All she could think of was a large soft bed, but now they were near the hospital, and she stopped worrying. The Excelsior Hotel was a welcome sight, she could almost see the hospital from the hotel. It was surrounded by palms and flowering bushes in red, white and yellow. It looked like an oasis, little springs were clucking and splashing around the place, and little ponds with waterlilies added to the magic. Lydia stood still a moment, "It is so beautiful, so peaceful," She sighed.

"Yes it is a very good hotel, and only five minutes from the hospital," Leon said. That night she slept like there was no tomorrow. The flight, however glorious, had been a strain on her body, and sleep was the only cure.

Nicole went early to bed too. Leon and Jason went to the bar, a beer and some talk was needed. They did not drink much, but kept coming back to the wedding, and how it would go, or what could go wrong? At midnight, they talked each other into going to bed. Leon could not sleep, he had booked a priest and a church......but he had not told her, how much he loved her, her not just the babies. He had to tell her that, before the wedding, or there would not be a wedding.....? How could he have waited so long to tell her?

Why had he not said it long before? Well he had, but then all the "Alicia stuff' happened and he gave her time to find herself... He worried too much for his own good. Tomorrow they were buying baby stuff. Maybe tomorrow he could find a good time to tell? If not, definitely the day after. He slept fitfully, when he finally fell asleep. He woke up early, she was still sleeping. So he eased out of bed, and made as little noise as possible. He went to the dining room and ordered breakfast.

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